Understanding React Hooks — Part 1

Prashanth Naik
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readApr 19, 2021

ReactJS released a major feature in its 16.8 version, where the functional component will act more like a class component. If you are worried about not able to use the component state or life cycle methods in the functional components, now you can do it with react hooks.

The goal of react hooks is to cover all use cases for classes as soon as possible, however, there are no hooks that are equivalent to the uncommon getSnapshotBeforeUpdate, getDerivedStateFromError and componentDidCatch lifecycles yet, but maybe in future releases?

Few FAQs before we dive deep into various react hooks.

Q. Which versions of React include Hooks?

A. Starting with 16.8.0, React includes a stable implementation of React Hooks.

Q. Do hooks cover all use cases for classes?

A. It does not, as mentioned in the above paragraph, there are no Hook equivalents to the uncommon getSnapshotBeforeUpdate, getDerivedStateFromError and componentDidCatch lifecycles yet, it may be there in future releases.

Q. How can I fetch data using Hooks?

A. useEffect can be used to get a class components life cycle effects, this would be covered in a moment.

Q. Do I need to rewrite all of my class components?

A. No, Class components will still be around and we should start using hooks for all new components in the project.

Let’s learn some react hooks and get hooked up with these interesting concepts, and see how we can use them.

We will discuss useState , useEffect and useRef in this article and eventually learn many other hooks in future articles.

Let’s get started…

  1. useState

As the name suggests, it will allow you to maintain a local state of functional components.


const [stateVariableOrObject, updateStateFn] = useState(initailState);


import React, { useState } from 'react';
const [name, updateName] = useState('medium');

In the above example name is a state variable, updateName is a function that will update the value. Whenever there is an update the component will render to display the updated state and useState is a react hook. Also,useState with a string medium is an initial value of the state variable name.

You can also create state objects. Here is an example,

const [state, updateState] = useState({name: 'medium', state: 'AZ'});

then use the state variable something like this const { name } = this.state;

A code example.

As shown in the above example, name will have medium as its initial value and once the button is clicked it will call updateName function and gets a new value Name Updated


  • You can use multiple useState react hook in a component, if required. The same effect can essentially be achieved by using a state object rather than a single state variable. However, using multiple useState will not let you consider other state properties within the state object.

2. useEffect

We saw how to use useState and maintain functional component’s local state, but what about the life cycle hooks like class components has? How can we perform side-effects when components mount or update? And that’s where the useEffect come into the picture. The useEffect hook helps us to perform an action each time a functional component renders.


import React, { useEffect } from 'react';useEffect(() => {
. . .
  • When you want to perform an action each time component renders

In the example above on the console Hey there !!! will be logged each time you click on update button, which means whenever a state changes, components re-render and the useEffect will be triggered.

  • When you want to perform an action on component update

useEffect accepts the second parameter, and this will help achieve the component update life cycle to run a particular action only when a particular state updates.

In the above code example, the console log Only trigger on name update happens only twice, once when the component renders with the value hello and again when you click on the Update button since the value of name now will be world , if we keep on clicking on the update button, the count state variable increases however useEffect will not trigger every time.

  • When you want to perform an action only on the component mount

To trigger useEffect in the component mount, just pass the second parameter as an empty array []. Since there is no state mentioned, this will be triggered when the component renders.

  • When you want to perform an action only on a component unmount

If you want to clean up a component, you can do so by writing a return () => {} function within a useEffect function, this return statement will act as a cleanup. Whenever a useEffect is triggered, it will run the return function first to see if there is a clean-up required and then the steps outside the return function.

In the example above, unMount will be logged first, and then onMount when you click on update button. You can use this clean-up to clear any event listener, if there are any, or to unsubscribe any subscriptions.

3. useRef

As the name suggests useRef can be used to refer or to access child HTML components/DOM elements. useRef returns a mutable ref object whose .current property is initialized to the passed initialValue. The returned object will persist for the complete lifetime of the component and does not re-render the component upon change.


import React, { useRef } from 'react';export const ComponentUseRef() {
const inputRef = useRef(null);
return <>
<input ref={inputRef}/>

Few good use case of useRef includes to focus on an HTML Elements or to count a number of renders that happened in a component.

Let’s see both examples to understand them better.

  • To focus on an input element

In the above example, the input element is referred by using useRef , here inputref.current refers to the <input/> element. So whenever the Focus the input button is clicked, it will call onButtonClick function which focuses on the input field.

  • To log, the number of renders that happens in a component.

Let’s try to use all the hooks we have learned so far, useState to hold the input value and to update the same, useEffect to update the render count, and useRef instantiate the renderCount the value that persists for the full lifetime of the component.

In the above code example, whenever the name state value updates, it renders the components, and thus increasing the renderCount value, there can be a question/confusion here, why should we use useRef right? We could have just used renderCount has another state variable? ?But the problem with that is, it will cause an infinite loop since we update the name which indeed updates the renderCount , and that will render the component again, an important point to note here is useRefdoes not cause to re-render the components.

One more importance of useRef is to store/get a prevProps or prevState.

Check out some examples in GitHub

In the upcoming articles, We will see some example and learn about useReducer ,useMemo and useCallback


  1. https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-intro.html
  2. https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-faq.html

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