Unit and E2E Testing

Yasir Gaji
2 min readJan 2, 2024


Unit && E2E Testing Image By Yasir Gaji

What is Unit Testing?

Unit testing is a software testing method where individual units or components of a software application are tested in isolation. The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software performs as designed. A “unit” typically refers to the smallest testable part of an application, such as a function, method, or class. Unit tests are automated, written by developers, and are executed frequently during the development process. The benefits of unit testing include:

  1. Early Bug Detection: Unit tests catch bugs and issues early in the development process, allowing for quick identification and resolution.
  2. Code Quality: Writing unit tests encourages modular and maintainable code by enforcing separation of concerns and good coding practices.
  3. Regression Testing: Unit tests provide a safety net during code changes, ensuring that existing functionality remains intact when new features are added or bugs are fixed.
  4. Documentation: Unit tests serve as a form of documentation, providing examples of how different parts of the code should behave.

What is End-to-End Testing (E2E)?

End-to-end testing is a type of software testing that evaluates the complete system from start to finish. In E2E testing, the entire application is tested in a real-world scenario to ensure that all components and systems function together as intended. It simulates user interactions and scenarios, checking the application’s workflow and behavior. E2E tests are typically written to mimic user interactions, and they may involve multiple systems, databases, and external services. Some key aspects of E2E testing include:

  1. Real-World Scenarios: E2E tests replicate how a user would interact with the application, covering user journeys and workflows.
  2. Integration Testing: E2E testing ensures that different parts of the application work seamlessly together, including integrations with external systems.
  3. User Experience: E2E tests assess the application’s usability, responsiveness, and overall user experience.
  4. Identifying System-Level Issues: E2E testing helps detect issues that may arise from the interaction of different components or services within the system.

Relationship between Unit Testing and E2E Testing:

  • Scope: Unit testing focuses on individual units of code, whereas E2E testing evaluates the entire system.
  • Timing: Unit tests are typically executed frequently during development, while E2E tests may be run less frequently due to their comprehensive nature.
  • Purpose: Unit testing aims to verify the correctness of individual units, whereas E2E testing ensures that the entire application functions correctly from the user’s perspective.

In a comprehensive testing strategy, both unit testing and E2E testing play crucial roles in ensuring the reliability, functionality, and quality of software(s).


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