Unleashing the Power of Generative AI For Your Customers

A guide on why and how to make Generative AI like ChatGPT and GPT-4 available to customers

Skanda Vivek
Geek Culture


Mohamed Hassan

You’ve probably tried ChatGPT or GPT-4 at least a few times over the past months and seen real exciting results. Maybe you use it every day or week as part of your creative process to help generate ideas and other content. Or maybe you want an answer to a question, not easily found on Google. Or want a chat like answer from an expert, instead of combing through multiple resources.

ChatGPT and GPT-4 fall under the umbrella of “Generative AI” — AI that can be used to generate new content from existing content. This is the very foundation of how GPT models were trained. They were trained to predict subsequent words texts. For example, given the part of the phrase:

“The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy”

the right answer for the following word would be:


After training on multiple such cases and large text corpuses, the model basically develops a good understanding of language in general. Then the model can be fine-tuned on tasks like question answering.

You can use ChatGPT and maybe GPT-4 now, by logging into the OpenAI chat portal. But what if…

