Upload, Compress and Delete Images In a AWS S3 Bucket With Node.JS + Express

Aria Dev
Geek Culture
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2021


The goal of this article

By the end of this article you will be able to create a simple API route to take an image and upload that image to your own AWS S3 Bucket, and then do amazing things with those images!

First, some non-code setup

To get started we will need to create an S3 Bucket as well as make some security credentials to be able to interact with the bucket via code.

1. Creating your S3 Bucket

  • Log into your AWS account (don’t have one?) and then head over to the s3 service (via the dropdown or search).
  • Then we are going to want to click the orange “Create Bucket” button.
  • After that you will enter your bucket name along with security settings. Choose the ones that best fit your applications needs!

2. Generate your access keys on AWS

  • On the top right you will see your AWS username. Click this and a dropdown should appear, once it does click “Security Credentials”

