Using FreeSQLdatabase for testing MySQL

How you can easily test MySQL Database Connections

Geek Culture


If you just want to test a connection to a database, you can use the service freeSQLdatabase [1] with up to 5 MB. I use this service relatively often, because you always want to test a small use case, especially in the age of cloud and companies are reluctant and often very slow to put a test database on the public network.

Set Up your Database

Step 1: Set up an Account
Just go to the website and create your free account via email. This includes phpMyAdmin and 5 MB of storage.

Screenshot of Free Option — Image by Author

Step 2: Set up your first Database
Here, you have to specify the location once. Then you will receive your credentials by mail, with which you can already connect to the database.

Choose Server Location — Image by Author

Step 3: Create your first Table
The phpMyAdmin tool is already integrated into the service. Here, you can then create and change tables via SQL…



Geek Culture

Big Data Enthusiast based in Hamburg and Kiel. Thankful if you would support my writing via: