Want to Get Ahead With Crypto? Seek Knowledge Not Expertise

Mark Helfman
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2022


Are you, though?

I get it. It’s crypto. You want somebody to tell you what’s going to happen next.

Just tell me whether the price will go up or down, Mark!

I can’t tell you that.

I can tell you what I’ll do when the price goes up or down. I can give you perspective on the market and the circumstances we find ourselves in. I can share the rationale behind my decisions and expectations.

Not good enough!

Sure. Understood. You want somebody who knows everything, not somebody who tells you what they know.

Be careful what you wish for

The wider crypto community has such massive brainpower, you don’t need me to start throwing my intellectual weight around. Look hard enough and you’ll find people who have the answers you’re looking for.

From what I can tell, once you learn about crypto, you suddenly become an expert in geopolitics, macroeconomics, monetary policy, epidemiology, psychology, public health, US constitutional law, securities regulations, history, investing, criminal justice, logistics, computer science, international finance, and financial planning.

It happens seemingly instantly, all at once, and in proportion to how many followers…



Mark Helfman
Geek Culture

Sharing insights about bitcoin, altcoins, blockchain so you can make the most of the cryptocurrency market. Newsletter: https://cryptoiseasy.beehiiv.com/