We Received A Grant To Port Our Web App To The Internet Computer

Can our web editor for slides work on the futuristic internet of the DFINITY foundation? Let’s figure it out.

David Dal Busco
Geek Culture


Source: DFINITY press kit + DeckDeckGo logo

Exciting news, we received a 25k USD grant from the DFINITY foundation to port our web editor for slides, DeckDeckGo, to the Internet Computer.

In the coming weeks we will build a proof of concept to validate the feasibility of the project. Here are some insights about the scope, goal and milestones of this inspiring project.


DeckDeckGo is a web open source editor for slides. Unlike other tools, presentations can be published and viewed online or shared as Progressive Web Apps (PWA). The editor works on all devices (laptop, mobile, etc.), decks can be remotely controlled and interactions with the audience through live polls are also supported.

DeckDeckGo is a side project that my friend Nicolas and I - together with our community (2000+ registered users) and help of our contributors - have been working on for the last 2.5 years. Here are our values: open source, transparency and knowledge sharing.


