What are Examples in Postman?

Detailed usage of Examples in Postman

Pricilla Bilavendran
Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2021


An example is a tightly coupled request and response pair.

For every endpoint there are possible response codes and the response body. Same request will behave different at different times. When you are building a collection for public/team purpose we should to ensure to provide the as much as details possible inside the Postman Collection.

These examples will provide a basic understanding that this endpoint/request will receive the following response/response codes.

When to use Examples?

  • When the system is unstable
  • To provide better clarity for the team
  • To create Mock Servers
  • To have better API documentation

How to add Examples?

You can add examples in two ways:

  1. Directly saving the response from the server as example
  2. Creating a custom example manually

Method 1: Creating an example from server response

Once you hit “Send” and receive any response back with specific response code, you can click the three dots next…

