What are the DOM and BOM?

Opening the BOM and DOM chapter…

Geek Culture


What is the difference between DOM and BOM?

Hi there 👋

We’ve completed so far the HTML, CSS, and JS chapters in the 2022 Web Program. Things will get more exciting since we’ll use all these skills on the BOM and the DOM!

But before that, you have to know about the BOM and the DOM first!

The BOM (Browser Object Model)

BOM = the browser object

The BOM is the window object that represents a window in the browser. An object of the window is created automatically by the browser.

The power of the BOM

With the window object, you can:

  • Manipulate the browser window with the window object and things like scrolling, opening a new window, closing the current window, ..Etc.
  • Use the object document property to interact with the DOM.
  • Get the browser history with the history object.
  • Manipulate the screen with the screen object.
  • Get and do things with the location object.

The DOM (Document Object Model)

DOM = The whole content of the web page



Geek Culture

A passionate software engineer and Angular GDE. I love to learn, help & share ❤. Find more about me here: 🔗 www.fatimaamzil.com.