What Are the Steps to Becoming a Successful Java Developer?

Konstantinos Gkizinos
Geek Culture
Published in
8 min readJun 19, 2022

What Exactly Is Java?

You must first comprehend what Java is before we can go through everything you need to know to become a Java developer.

Java is a programming language that is used in the production of mobile apps, software, and websites. Java was created in the early 1990s by a small group known as “The Green Team.” James Gosling was a member of that team, and his contributions earned him the title of “Father of Java.” While working as an engineer at Sun Microsystems, Gosling created Java (a subsidiary of Oracle today).

Java was created with the following goals in mind:

  • Simple
  • Robust
  • Portable
  • Platform-independent
  • Secured
  • High-Efficiency
  • Multithreaded
  • Architecture Neutral
  • Interpreted
  • Dynamic

Many current programming languages have derived from Java since its debut in 1995, including Python, Scala, JavaScript, and PHP. Naturally, Java has remained one of the most widely studied programming languages.

Currently, there are four different editions of Java:

  • Java Card, which is used to create applications for devices with little computing power (like SIM cards and ATM cards)
  • Java Standard Edition (Java SE), which is a programming language used to create programs for desktops and servers.
  • Java Micro Edition (Java ME), this is used to create apps for mobile devices (like iOS and Android phones).
  • Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE), People utilize this to create large-scale apps

What Is Object-Oriented Programming and How Does It Work?

Java is an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language, which means it centers design on objects (as opposed to functions and logic). An ‘object’ is a thing with a distinct identity (i.e., a label), features (also known as’states,’ and behavior.

The following are four key concepts of OOP development. These are some of them:

  • Encapsulation occurs when an object’s state is private, contained within its class (a template with comparable features used by developers to generate objects), and public methods are unable to access it.
  • Abstraction occurs when objects only expose the key details you need to work with them (making your program easier to develop).
  • Inheritance occurs when objects are structured into parent and child structures, sharing common logic without needing to be the same.
  • Polymorphism allows you to utilize child classes in the same manner that their parent class is used without having to change the child class.

Java vs JavaScript

Because Java and JavaScript have similar names, younger developers frequently mix them up. They are, however, two separate languages. Java is a compiling language, which means that compilers convert it to machine code. JavaScript, on the other hand, is an interpreted scripting language, which means it gets converted into machine code when it is executed.

Java and JavaScript have various applications. Java is used mostly for server-side programming, whereas JavaScript is used for client-side applications.

Java Developer vs Software Engineer

New developers sometimes mix up Java developers with software engineers, despite the fact that both occupations are distinct. Java developers are highly specialized individuals who (often) solely work on Java-based products.

Software engineers, on the other hand, have a larger skill set that allows them to work on a variety of programming languages and projects. Because the jobs and talents of Java developers and software developers are so similar, many professionals switch between the two for diversity, a new challenge, or to gain new skills.

You’re ready to learn more about Java programming as a vocation now that you’ve grasped the fundamentals of the language.

What Does It Mean to Be a Java Developer?

A Java developer (sometimes known as a “Java engineer” or “Java dev”) is a specialist IT professional who works with the Java programming language. Java developers are in charge of creating Java-based software, websites, and apps.

There are several important factors to consider before becoming a Java programmer, including whether you find the day-to-day work life of a Java developer intriguing and if you have the abilities to fulfill the tasks and responsibilities of a Java programmer. Each of those factors will be discussed in this section.

What is the Role of a Java Developer?

Whether you’re an entry-level, mid-level, or senior Java developer, your day-to-day work life will differ.

Java Developers at the Entry Level

As an entry-level Java developer, you will most likely have little or no professional experience. Naturally, you’ll devote your attention to:

  • Developing your Java coding abilities
  • Creating simple code
  • Basic bug fixes
  • Performing testing
  • Assisting your team with planning Java-based projects
  • Developing user documentation to assist users in navigating the system

Java Developers at the Mid-Level

You’ll have 2–5 years of professional experience as a mid-level Java developer and be well-versed in your company’s IT infrastructure. You will spend your work time: Because your abilities are more sophisticated than those of an entry-level Java developer, you will:

  • Creating more difficult code
  • Fixing more advanced bugs
  • Conducting (or supervising) testing
  • Planning Java projects
  • Creating end-user-documentation
  • Working with vendors
  • Managing junior developers

Java Developers at the Senior-Level

As a senior Java developer, you’ll have at least 5 years of experience, a thorough grasp of your company’s IT infrastructure, and experience working on a variety of projects. You’ll most likely use your work time to:

  • Sophisticated Java projects require planning, advising, and evaluation.
  • Supervising the work of subordinate employees
  • Collaboration with suppliers
  • Managing the development’s financial aspects

What Are The Responsibilities of a Java Developer?

Your everyday tasks as a Java developer will vary depending on your employer’s requirements. Most Java developers, on the other hand, fulfill comparable roles, such as:

Developing Code

Throughout your career as a developer, you will write Java code on a regular basis. This code can be used to start a new project, update an existing project, or correct bugs.

Liaising With IT Team

As a Java developer, you collaborate closely with the development team at your company. This means you’ll have to attend frequent standups and meetings, assist colleagues with difficulties, and assist your team with project planning and management. Your Java projects may also be discussed with users, managers, and other teams.

Testing Code

After you’ve developed code, you’ll need to test it with code review tools to find any problems. Your boss may want you to test your code for a variety of things, including functionality, static code, unit testing, and single-user performance testing. You can also be required to take part in pass-around testing. Pass-around testing is a technique in which development teams get input from their peers by emailing their code to them prior to deployment.

Debugging Software Problems

Java programmers are accountable for addressing problems in their applications, as no project is ever flawless. You’ll have to analyze issues, come up with a solution, and then put it into action.

Developers in many businesses are asked to debug problems discovered by other team members and users, therefore you’ll be expected to communicate with others throughout the debugging process.

Understanding Program Architecture

If you’re a seasoned developer, you’ll need a thorough understanding of your company’s programs, IT infrastructure, and program architecture. It’s critical to understand program architecture since it will influence how you design new programs.

Preparing Updates

You must produce frequent updates, just as developers must update programs to guarantee that they are functional and secure. To build efficiently, you’ll need to plan, design, test, deploy, and collect user feedback on the upgrade. If you work in a large company or a fast-paced sector, you may be required to manage many changes at the same time.

How much do Java programmers earn?

Java developers are highly trained and undertake a wide range of duties, therefore they may command a good wage. The average Java developer income in the United States is $96,297 per year, according to Salary.com (as of October 29th, 2021).

Half of all full-time Java developers earn between $80,975 and $107.886 a year for their efforts. The developer’s degree, years of experience, business (and its success), any managerial duties they have, location, overtime, and bonuses all contribute to this variance.

Take a look at the bell curve graph below to see the complete spectrum of Java developer salaries in the United States.

How to Become a Java Developer

If you want to learn Java, there are six simple steps you can follow to improve your abilities and become a Java expert.

Let’s take a look at those stages right now.

Step 1. Learn Java

You’ll need to learn how to write in Java first. Podcasts, short courses, books, and tutorials are all excellent methods to learn Java. If you need a lesson, we recommend Oracle’s Java Tutorials, which is both free and extensive. The Java Tutorials cover a wide range of subjects, including:

  • The basics of Java design
  • How to create Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) with Java
  • How to use the Java platform’s features
  • How to deploy applications using Java Web Start and Java Plug-in

Step 2.Strengthen Your Java Project Management Capabilities

You should start strengthening your project management abilities as you learn Java. During this stage, you should concentrate on planning, developing, and implementing small-scale Java projects. Small project management will assist you in honing your system architecture and management abilities (as well as give you some projects to show potential employers during job interviews).

You might also complete a Java certification program if you’re searching for something to add to your CV. Oracle provides a number of Java certifications (though they can be expensive).

Step 3. Practice Your Skills and Develop a Portfolio

After that, you’ll want to put your new Java abilities to the test and create a portfolio to present prospective companies. For your portfolio, you should try to develop many Java apps (including at least one web application). These projects don’t have to be complicated or faultless; they’re just a means for you to show that you can create a variety of Java apps.

Your portfolio also doesn’t have to be extravagant. At the end of the day, the finest developer portfolios are focused on two things:

1.An “about me” section that outlines your experience, abilities, and hobbies introduces the reader to you.
2. Using a collection of 1–3 projects that you’ve developed to demonstrate your abilities to the reader. Include a brief explanation of the project, images of the development process, and a live link to the end result to get the most out of these projects.

Step 4. Build Your Resume and Apply to Become a Java Developer

You’re ready to rewrite your CV and apply for a career as a junior Java developer once you’ve mastered Java and produced a few tiny apps.

Make sure to incorporate your new Java developer abilities while creating your resume. Java programming skills, code testing abilities, SQL expertise, project management skills, vendor liaison skills, and OOP understanding are all examples of these. You should also include any’soft talents’ that you possess. Communication, problem-solving, and teamwork abilities are examples of soft skills that help people excel at work.

Indeed, LinkedIn, IT Career Finder, Monster, and ITJobBoard.net are all good places to look for Java employment.

Step 5. Focus on Continuously Improving Your Java Skills

Finally, in your new employment, you should make it a point to keep enhancing your Java developer abilities. Long-term, improving your abilities will help you thrive in your computer science profession by allowing you to take on larger and more complex tasks.

