What Data Literacy Is and Why Everyone Should Be Data Literate

Everyone talks about it, but few know what it is

Rui Manuel Pereira
Geek Culture


What Data Literacy Is and Why Everyone Should Be Data Literate
Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

Often, when I watch the news, I find myself captivated by a story that comes on. In those cases, I’ve started asking myself, “Is this data and information correct?”

How many times have we been on social media and seen viral stories that made us think, ‘Nah, that can’t be true!’

The world we live in today is producing so much instant access to information.

How do we decipher it all?

How do we use it to make smart, informed decisions?

The answer is: By learning a simple skillset called data literacy.

Learning data literacy will help everyone better understand data and information so that they can make data-informed decisions.

Everyone can learn the skillset and be data literate. It’s not something only for rich people or organizations.

Literally, everyone can, and should, be data literate.

Why Everyone Should Be Data Literate

We live in a digital world, where almost everyone has a smartphone, a smartwatch, a smart TV, Internet access, etc.

