What is a Graph Database?

NoSQL Graph Databases in a Nutshell

Geek Culture


Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash

One does not always necessarily come into contact with graph databases. But I think as a data engineer or scientist, for example, it never hurts to know the basics in case you do encounter a new project involving graph databases.

Graph Databases vs. (Traditional) Relational Databases

The graph database uses mathematical graph theory and stores data and their relationships using nodes and edges. Graph algorithms can be used to execute complicated database queries at high speed. Graph databases have a different operating principle compared to relational databases [1]. It is possible to map graphs in relational databases. For the example of a social network, a table for the people and a table for relationships for the edges would be the solution.

Graph Databases Theory

In a graph database, both nodes and edges can store information. Special data structures like adjacency or index matrices are used for this purpose. In contrast to relational databases, complex relationships of different objects can be stored and processed in a graph database without additional auxiliary procedures. Edge weighting also makes it possible to assign a specific value to each relationship to express its strength or…



Geek Culture

Big Data Enthusiast based in Hamburg and Kiel. Thankful if you would support my writing via: https://christianlauer90.medium.com/membership