What is a skeleton screen πŸ’€?

Why is skeleton loading important?

Geek Culture


What’s a skeleton screen?

Hi there πŸ‘‹,

Do you know what a skeleton screen is? I'm sure everybody knows it! Do you disagree? This is a skeleton screen:

Medium home page skeleton

It's the gray shapes shown while the data is loading from the server instead of displaying a classical spinner.

I was so eager to discover how to do this in a web app but couldn't find it because I didn't know how it was called back then. The skeleton screens are so popular because they make the "perceived waiting time" seem faster (the illusion of Speed), even though the time was precisely the same.

The difference between a loader and a skeleton screen UI (Large preview)

Why do we use skeleton screens?

Although the loading time is the same, experiments showed that users find the page loading time faster with skeleton screens than with spinners. It's an illusion, but since it changes the user experience, we trick ourselves and our users πŸ˜†



Geek Culture

A passionate software engineer and Angular GDE. I love to learn, help & share ❀. Find more about me here: πŸ”— www.fatimaamzil.com.