What is SchemaCrawler and Why would you need it?

Kulasangar Gowrisangar
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readJul 8, 2021


In this blog post, I’m going to explain how you can use Schema Crawler tool in order to bring in table details from a given schema. To keep the explanation and workflow simple, I’ll be doing a walkthrough on crawling my MySQL localhost tables and showing you the output json of the metadata information.


SchemaCrawler is an open source tool where you can simply utilize it to crawl database schema/table objects and extract the metadata output in a readable format. It’s highly customizable where you can use the boilerplate code which they have provided in their distribution examples and achieve more use cases.

The definition on their website right off the bat:

SchemaCrawler is a free database schema discovery and comprehension tool. SchemaCrawler has a good mix of useful features for data governance. You can search for database schema objects using regular expressions, and output the schema and data in a readable text format. The output serves for database documentation, and is designed to be diff-ed against other database schemas. SchemaCrawler also generates schema diagrams. You can execute scripts in any standard scripting language against your database. You can find potential schema design issues with lint.

Installation Steps:

