What is the difference between a Product Designer and a UX Designer

A Smith
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readMar 24, 2022

Product design and user experience design (UXD) both play crucial roles in how we use technology and products on a daily basis, but they serve different purposes. Product designers are responsible for thinking through each step of the product creation process, while UX designers focus on how users interact with that product after it is introduced to the users.

Read on to learn more about what it means to be a Product Designer vs UX Designer, as well as how each role fits into the tech industry as a whole. In order to leverage all the benefits of UI/UX designers, partner with a UI/UX design services company.

What is UI/UX Design?

UI/UX designers are often called visual designers, interface designers, and information architects. They are responsible for how an application or website looks and feels in order to maximize usability. UI/UX design plays an important role in web and app development.

The two main goals of UI/UX design are:

1) Creating engaging experiences that meet users’ needs

2) Ensuring these experiences are accessible to everyone

What is Product Design?

Product design refers to all aspects of a product — the look, feel quality, usability, etc. While product designers are typically responsible for creating consumer-facing products that are sold to consumers (like websites or apps), there’s no reason why it can’t be applied in other contexts.

What’s the difference between a Product Designer and a UX Designer?

Design Methods

The only significant differences between a Product Designer and a UX Designer are their specific focus.

Both have an overall role of solving problems for customers and creating products that meet a need or provide enjoyment, but Product Designers might be more focused on certain design methods, such as interface/visual design, whereas UX Designers might be focused on other methods like behavioral psychology or customer research and analytics.

For example, a UX Designer could take an active role in writing customer requirements while a Product Designer might lead development through iteration on visual elements.

Skills Required

The major difference is that product designers are more concerned with how features will fit together in order to create an optimal experience for users. By contrast, a user experience designer needs to consider how products might appeal to (or repel) customers at every step of their interaction with them.

Both UX Designers and Product Designers require proficiency in front-end web technologies, like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is important to have an eye for clean, modern design and excellent communication skills. Good problem-solving skills and empathy for users are also required.

Role of Designers

A product designer’s primary focus is on how something works and how it looks, whereas UI/UX designers must take these aspects and combine them with site structure and user behavior to ensure that all three are working harmoniously together.

This role encompasses both form and function while taking into account users’ needs, wants, and desires in order to create an effective interface. The two roles also differ in their outlooks; while UI/UX designers are typically more analytical, product designers tend to lean toward being creative problem-solvers who don’t hesitate to opt for the coding process.


The product designer earns more than the UX designer in many major app development companies. With nearly double the salary in some places, there are more opportunities for growth as well. The product designer earns more than the UX designer in many major app development companies.

Product designers usually get paid better because they create the entire product, while UX designers merely use their skills to improve products created by product designers. A product designer can also work with engineers or other members of a team to improve an app, while UX designers are not as capable in these areas.

These design jobs don’t always have set requirements, but there are some important differences that you should consider before deciding which one is right for you.


Product and user experience designers can both create amazing products. The key, however, is to know when to use one over another. Both roles have their specific responsibilities, even if they overlap a bit. Designers who become well-versed in both disciplines can deliver more value to their clients and produce better results.

A product designer’s main responsibility is making sure that every feature of an application or website has its place, whereas UI designers prefer to deliver interactive, eye catchy, and easy-to-navigate designs.



A Smith
Geek Culture

Albert Smith is a Digital Marketing Manager with Hidden Brains, a leading enterprise web & mobile app development company specializing in IoT, Cloud & Big Data