What is Web5, Jack Dorsey’s latest idea?

I went through the entrepreneur’s presentation so you wouldn’t have to

Adrien Book
Geek Culture


Web3, I hardly knew ye. Jack Dorsey’s new company, TBD, recently announced its intent to create “web5”. It explained it as “a new evolution of the Web that enables decentralized apps and protocols.”

Fear not, you didn’t miss Web4 passing us by. TBD’s idea is to sum the best of both web2 and web3 to create a new digital paradigm, getting us to a total of 5.

The name is a reminder that tech guys are not an imaginative bunch, which might also explain why they presented their world-changing idea via Google Docs… but I digress.

As is tradition with such announcements, the presentation is overly technical. This is the usual method used by technologist to obscure the fact that their cool tech has no real use cases. Here are the key takeaways.

  • The central idea behind web5 is the creation of a platform to facilitate the creation of apps that would allow users to store and control their data themselves…



Adrien Book
Geek Culture

Strategy Consultant | Tech writer | Somewhat French