What to throw? Error or bare string dilemma

How Errors are inferior and superior to bare strings

Marian C.
Geek Culture


What is Error?

It is an ordinary class. The modern constructor of Error has two parameters, both are optional:

new Error(message, options)

Just creating a new Error object has no special effect. To interrupt code execution and see an error message in the console, the Error has be thrown with a throw statement.

To explore the properties of Errors, let’s execute a sample code throwing an Error:

// 1.js
const err = new Error('MyMessage', { cause: new RangeError("chainedMessage") });
err.name = 'MyError';
throw err;

If you visit the sample page you can see the output in the console:

Errors always have at least 3 properties:

  • name — in built-in subclasses of Error it is the name of the class. name can be changed in an Error object, but cannot be set in the constructor.
  • message — a string passed as the first argument to the constructor



Marian C.
Geek Culture

Java, JavaScript and SQL developer. Interested in data collection and visualization.