What Will Be Next After 5G?

6G and it may be here sooner than you think

Geek Culture
3 min readAug 30, 2021


6g animation with skyscrapers in background
Image created in Canva by the author

There is still a long way for 5G to be fully implemented, but what will happen after this technology becomes obsolete? 6G will come and it may happen sooner than you may think because technology right now progresses faster than before.

According to some estimations about the implementation of 6G, the start of this amazing adventure will be in just ten years. Seems very early, but think about the following facts and you can imagine the impact the next-generation technology will have on our daily lives.

From 1G to 5G and Beyond

Let’s start with the beginning of this evolution, so we can better understand what will follow!

1G was the analog communication system, started in the ’80s and then 2G was making the transition to digital signals in the ’90s, bringing something new to the table, the SMS messaging system, and a speed up to more than 10 times.

The next main technology in communication systems was 3G, after the year 2000 and this is where things became more complex because it was the first time the internet was available on mobile devices. 3G was a lot faster compared to the previous two wireless network generations.

4G has entered the wireless communications game later, after 2010, to bring a huge increase in speed and bandwidth, with LTE taking the mobile web to a new level and starting what we already know as the smartphone revolution.

5G — The beginning of the Internet of Things

Another increase in speed and bandwidth, up to ten times is brought by 5G starting with 2019. But what really stirred things up is the possibility to connect devices in all domains of activity, such as cars, smartphones, smart TVs, appliances, and basically everything that is “smart” in order to create what is called “The Internet of Things”.

6G — Augmented reality and autonomous devices

The 6G era may have not started yet, but the work on the technology has already begun. Just in the present moment, there are people who are working on it. What this means, in reality, is that the speed of 5G has already been exceeded.

Will there be a new tech revolution? With 6G we may have a web of autonomous devices, such as self-driving cars, flying cars, appliances, robots, signals antennas, holograms, AI, and basically, everything will be interconnected. It will be more than the Internet of Things started by 5G, like probably a new reality as a layer over the existing reality.

By 2030, the hypothetical year that will start the 6G implementation, we can only predict the infancy of this technology. What exactly it will be and what all its ramifications will be, we simply cannot have a full concept right now. We are just building the basics and the rest will be according to the requirements of the near future. It will probably be an entire digital ecosystem, a grid that will change our lives.

It can be difficult to even imagine what the world would be like by 2040 when 6G will be already a part of our daily lives.

