What’s a CRUD App?

Brenden Thornton
Geek Culture


A Beginner’s Guide

When I first started learning to build web applications, I remember thinking “What do I build?” and this is normal. Then I learned about CRUD, which essentially is the basic functionality of an application. Specifically, it deals with Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting records within your application. After learning about this concept, it helped me to build a base of what functionality I could add to any app I built. In this article, I’ll break down the four key concepts to CRUD and why it’s beneficial to learn about it.

Breaking Down CRUD

Let’s dive into the details. CRUD is the basic functionality that we want our models to possess in our applications. So if we’re building an API that has a Recipe model, then that model should be able to Create new recipes, Read (or Show) those recipes, Update (and Edit) them, and lastly we should be able to Delete them. Seems pretty straight forward and honestly it is! Let’s see what these individual functions look like.

For the sake of continuity let’s continue with our Recipe model.


Obviously our app should be able to create new recipes and that’s the main goal of this function. We would perform this type of action by using a form that contains inputs which correlate to the model table in our…



Brenden Thornton
Geek Culture

Full-Stack Developer. @FlatironSchool. UCF. Loving Father & Husband.