white label Binance Clone Script (top benefits and features)

martin okitason
Geek Culture
Published in
8 min readOct 16, 2022

since the emergence of crypto-based platforms, Binance clone script as a leading platform has been at the center of attention for businesses and entrepreneurs. So, to fulfill those groups’ expectations, development companies have offered the white label Binance Clone Script as a cost-effective, easy and ready-made solution to build a Binance-like exchange platform. So, in this article, I want to share my experience regarding the benefits and vital features of such a platform and how to choose the right company that offers a white label solution for a Binance-like exchange platform.

what is a white label solution of Binance

white label solution of Binance clone is a 100% customizable crypto exchange platform that contains all features and functionalities of the original Binance crypto exchange platform. Its clone script enables entrepreneurs to launch their Binance-like exchange platform.

benefits of using a white label Binance clone

white label Binance exchange clone software is unique since it dedicates to multi-assets trading above anything else, and investors can utilize such a package to control different cryptocurrencies on a single platform. So, they won’t have to carry a separate wallet to track their multiple assets and have all their financial holdings under one roof. Other benefits of a white label Binance-like clone are listed below:

100% customizable

A Binance-like trading website created from the white label solution can be customizable based on your business requirements. The customization enhances the quality of the website.

better branding

using a white label solution, you can change the name, logo and theme of your crypto exchange platform as you desire to gain the trust of your users.

technical expertise

one benefit of a white label solution to implement your Binance-like exchange platform is that there is no need to be technically expert to handle the website. A white label solution provided by a qualified provider like RadinDev that provides 24/7 support will help you manage your platform hassle-free.

save time and money

compared to building a Binance clone software from scratch, you can save time and money by implementing the platform using the white label solution.

The innovative and unique features of a white label Binance clone solution

That can be added to the white label Binance clone script during development, making the Binance-like platform the best crypto exchange platform among diverse, available exchange platforms. Some of these prominent features and functions are as follows:

cost-effective platform

Cost is a determinant factor for any business in any field and size. Using a white label solution to create a Binance-like exchange platform, you can have additional functionality on all aspects at a low cost.

high level of security

cost and security are two determinant factors for each exchange platform. The white label solution of this clone script needs to be equipped with all advanced security features, which would enhance its functionality. Some essential security features include KYC/API, P2P transactions, and 2-factor authentication.

white label NFT minting

the custom NFT minting tool is designed to mint digital assets in the form of NFTs. It allows traders to create and sell NFTs without the need to code smart contracts. Minting an NFT means publishing a unique digital asset on the blockchain platform so it can be traded.

white label NFT staking

one feature of a Binance-like platform created from a white label solution is NFT stacking. The word “stacking” refers to depositing a cryptocurrency in a blockchain platform and gaining rewards for it for not selling the cryptocurrency while it is staked. You can also stack NFTs in a staking platform to receive rewards without selling the NFTs.

lazy minting

in addition to NFT minting, you can add a” lazy minting” feature in your white label Binance clone script exchange platform. Lazy minting means when an NFT is available off-chain and just gets minted once a sale takes place. More precisely, an artist doesn’t have to pay an upfront gas fee to mint their NFTs, specifically paying fees just once the token is purchased.

engaging user interface

A user-friendly interface, for example, Dark/light theme options, can satisfy the traders by aiding in improving the trading system. An engaging user interface maintains dynamism effectively and decreases possible errors.

multi-lingual support

due to the popularity and global fame of the Binance and Binance-like exchange platform, it should support multi-languages to fulfill the expectations of traders across the world. It causes the use of the exchange platform easy for a person from each part of the world since they can trade cryptocurrencies in their mother tongue languages.

instant buying and selling

one of the notable features of the Binance-like platform is its faster transactions, allowing users to buy and sell their cryptocurrencies instantly. This feature will attract more and more investors to your platform.

IPFS NFT storage facility

IPFS refers to Inter Planetary File System, a distributed P2P network for storing and sharing data. White label Binance-like platform with IPFS uses a method of content addressing or content ID for mapping content and the stored location.

Multiple chain compatibility

A well-implemented Binance-like white label platform compatible with multiple chains enables users to transfer their assets seamlessly across different blockchains. This feature supports diverse chains, including BNB smart chain, fantom, harmony, etc.

100% bug-free source code

A white label solution provided by an expert team will be tested several times before launching. This allows them to identify any possible bugs and solve them. So, contrary to the Binance clone script free or paxful clone script free download on GitHub, you can be sure that your platform is created based on a 100%bug-free source code.

Unlimited wallet integration

This feature is designed in a way that supports users and admins to control their funds.

Multi-functional User and admin dashboard

A dashboard which contains multiple functions can ease user and admin works with the platform and helps them to do transactions and control them quickly. For example, user dashboard features can be user login, wallet balance, transaction history, trading chart, Security setting, Referral network, and payment methods.

On the contrary, an admin dashboard can consist of: KYC verification, real-time trade view, dispute management metrics, real-time data feed management, transaction history dashboard, and user information.

The white label Binance clone script price development

as you may know, the cost of developing a white label Binance-like clone script, or any other exchange clones like paxful clone script, highly depends on the added features and functions, the selected blockchain platform, and the security layers’ features and functions. For example, choosing a popular blockchain network like Ethereum or BSC with advanced features results in an increase in development cost. However, a Binance-like white label cryptocurrency exchange script costs around 10000 $ to 90000 $. If you want to know the average price of such an exchange platform based on its features, you should discuss your business requirements with the blockchain developer team.

the development process of white label Binance clone script

white label Binance-like development can be performed in a number of blockchains like Ethereum, Binance smart chain, Solana, and other trending blockchain platforms. The developer teams should customize the white label solution based on the market and business requirements to attract users across the globe to create the best ready-made Binance-like exchange platform for the users. To develop the white label solution, most of the developers follow the below-mentioned workflows:

- Determining blockchain network: as said earlier, thy selected blockchain network affects the overall costs of the developing exchange platform.

- User interface development: an attractive UI design attract more users to your platform and gives them an excellent user experience. This will help you to gain more profits from your exchange platform.

- Token development

- Coding of smart contract

- Integration of IPFS storage

- Integration of backend and frontend

- Beta testing and fixing bugs

- Deployment in customer server

* note that the workflows of Binance clone app development are maybe a bit different.

How to choose the best development company for white label Binance Clone Script

there are a wide variety of development companies which develop crypto exchange platforms like Binance or Localbitcoins clone script. However, it would help if you considered some tips and tricks to choose the best one that suits your expectation and can meet your business requirements.

The experience of the expert team

The development team’s expertise is essential since they should completely understand the idea you have in mind; evaluate how they can implement it. So, it is vital that the team has highly experienced in that field. In addition, they should add several security layers to protect your exchange platform against hackers.

The designing

The company you choose should consist of experienced blockchain developers who are specialized in exceptional UI/UX design. As mentioned earlier, a great UI/UX design attracts more users, gives them an outstanding user experience, and eases the transaction process.

Access to technical support

This is a significant factor in choosing a good development company. Although you don’t need to be an expert to use the Binance-like exchange platform, you should have access to technical support to solve any possible technical issues. A good development company is responsible for all the technical problems, support, and maintenance of the white label solution.


An experienced development company knows that before launching the Binance-like white label, the solution should test it several times for any defects. They may face errors, bugs, or issues while testing, so they fix them quickly and undergo the deployment process.

The potential revenue with a white label Binance-like clone script

When you buy and implement a Binance-like platform through a white label solution, you have the right to expect multiple revenue streams based on your business. In addition to you as an owner of the website, the exchange platform users also can make revenue through it.

For the exchange website owner

- Google AdSense: once you register your exchange platform with google AdSense, it will allow you to generate income for each click on the ads users do on the ad posted on your trading website.

- Freemium fees: after the trial period, you can collect freemium fees for certain premium-level features.

- Commissions: for each trade the platform users do, the crypto exchange owner’s website will generate a specific percentage as a transaction fee or commission fee. This fee can be varied between 1% to 3%.

- Banner ads: once your exchange platform has been rising with a considerable user base, you will receive banner ad requests through which you can generate more income. This is a type of influencer marketing.

For users or traders

As a user or trader, you can generate income using these ways:

- Referral commissions: as a trader, if you are satisfied with the trade you undergo, you can share it with your friends with the link you’ve been assigned. You can receive a particular commission percentage if you successfully grab your friend’s attention towards the site with the referral link you’ve been assigned.

- Affiliate marketing: approximately all the sectors pay their affiliates well, so it is not a wonder that a crypto sector will excellently pay you. The only thing you should do is to bring up prospective clients for yourself with the help of your affiliates and pay them a decent percentage as perks.

