White Label Crypto Wallet — Launch Your Brand Crypto Wallet

Kenneth Kevin
Geek Culture
Published in
9 min readFeb 27, 2023
White Label Crypto Wallet

The surge in the market in early 2023 makes it evident that cryptos are rising despite volatility. Cryptos have built a high reputation in the past two decades, pulling extensive communities to participate in the vertical. The demand for the business enhanced with time, making pathways for new crypto projects take up the place.

A secured storage system is inevitable for the crypto platform’s overall function. An encrypted crypto wallet is where the users can store their coins and enhance the transactions run by pre-engineered protocols called smart contracts. Therefore in this blog, we put in front about the white-label crypto wallet and its perks to the crypto platform.

What is White Label Crypto Wallet?

A white label crypto wallet is a pre-built software solution that is developed by one company and then licensed to another company, which can rebrand and customize the software as their own product. This allows companies to quickly and easily launch their own branded cryptocurrency wallet without the need for extensive development resources. White label wallets offer customization options, faster time-to-market, lower development costs, scalability, a proven track record, and support and maintenance services. However, there may be limitations on customization options and concerns around security and control.

Advantages of White Label Crypto Wallet Development

White label crypto wallet development is a popular choice for businesses looking to launch their own cryptocurrency wallet quickly and cost-effectively. Here are some of the advantages of White Label cryptocurrency wallet development:

  • Faster Time-to-Market

White label crypto wallet are pre-built solutions that can be easily rebranded and customized to meet the needs of the business. This means that businesses can launch their own cryptocurrency wallet much faster than building a custom solution from scratch. This can be particularly important in the fast-moving cryptocurrency market where speed can be a critical factor for success.

  • Cost-Effective

White Label cryptocurrency wallet development can be more cost-effective than building a custom solution from scratch. The development costs are shared among multiple clients, which can make it more affordable for businesses that do not have the resources to build a custom solution.

  • Customizable

Crypto wallet white labels can be customized to reflect the branding and unique features of the business. This makes it easier to build and maintain brand recognition and create a unique user experience. Customization options can include branding, UI/UX design, security features, and more.

  • Scalable

White label cryptocurrency wallets can be easily scaled up or down depending on the needs of the business. This makes it easier to manage growth and changes in user demand. As the business grows, the wallet can be expanded with new features and functionality.

  • Proven Track Record

Crypto wallet white label are pre-built solutions that have already been tested and proven to work effectively in the market. This means that businesses can have confidence in the reliability and security of the wallet, without the need for extensive testing and development work.

  • Support and Maintenance

White label crypto wallet providers often offer support and maintenance services, which can help businesses save time and resources on ongoing maintenance and updates. This can include security updates, bug fixes, and new feature development.

Features of Crypto Wallet White Label

Crypto Wallet White Label
  • Multi-Currency Support: A white-label crypto wallet should support a wide range of cryptocurrencies to cater to the needs of users. Users should be able to store and manage different types of cryptocurrencies in the wallet.
  • Secure Storage: The wallet should have secure storage facilities to ensure the safety of user funds. Features such as multi-factor authentication, biometric authentication, and hardware security modules can be used to enhance wallet security.
  • User-Friendly Interface: A crypto wallet white label should have a user-friendly interface to ensure that users can easily navigate the wallet and manage their funds. The wallet should have easy-to-use features such as sending and receiving cryptocurrencies, managing transaction history, and viewing wallet balances.
  • Customizable Design: The wallet should be customizable to reflect the branding and unique features of the business. This means that the wallet should allow businesses to modify the user interface, add logos, and choose color schemes that align with their brand identity.
  • API Integration: A white-label crypto wallet should allow businesses to integrate APIs with their existing systems such as payment gateways, exchange platforms, and other cryptocurrency-related services. This integration can provide additional functionalities such as buying and selling cryptocurrencies within the wallet.
  • Multi-Platform Support: A crypto wallet white label should support multiple platforms such as web, desktop, and mobile devices to cater to users across different devices and platforms. This can improve user engagement and accessibility.
  • Customer Support: The wallet provider should offer customer support to users, ensuring that they can get prompt help with any issues or concerns they may have. This can include support channels such as chat, email, and phone support.

Key Features of a White Label EVM Wallet

Security is a critical aspect of any cryptocurrency wallet, and White Label EVM wallets should have robust security features to protect user funds. Here are some of the security features that can be impregnated into White Label EVM wallets:

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security to the wallet login process. MFA requires users to provide two or more forms of authentication, such as a password and a one-time code sent to their email or mobile device.

Hardware Security Modules (HSMs)

HSMs are specialized hardware devices that provide secure storage and processing of cryptographic keys. HSMs can be used to store private keys, ensuring that they are protected from unauthorized access.

Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, can be used to authenticate wallet users. This can provide enhanced security, as biometric data is unique to each individual.

Encrypted Storage

Wallet data, including private keys and transaction history, should be encrypted to ensure that it is protected from unauthorized access.

Cold Storage

Cold storage involves storing private keys offline, on a device that is not connected to the internet. Cold storage can provide enhanced security, as it protects private keys from online attacks.

Two-Factor Transaction Authorization

Two-factor transaction authorization requires users to confirm transactions using a second form of authentication, such as a one-time code sent to their mobile device. This can prevent unauthorized transactions.

Gas Optimization

Wallets should optimize gas usage to ensure that users can transact on the Ethereum blockchain at lower costs. This can reduce the risk of users falling victim to gas price manipulation attacks.

White Label EVM wallets should have a comprehensive range of security features to protect user funds. By choosing a reliable and reputable White Label EVM wallet provider that offers robust security features, businesses can ensure that their users have a safe and secure Ethereum wallet experience.

White Label Cryptocurrency Wallet Development Process

Whitelabel cryptocurrency wallet is the process of creating a customizable, rebrandable, and secure cryptocurrency wallet software solution that can be used by businesses or individuals to launch their own wallet service without the need for extensive technical knowledge. Here are the key steps involved in the white label crypto wallet development process:

Define Requirements

Before beginning the development process, the client needs to define their requirements for the wallet solution. This includes the features, security measures, and customization options they require.

Design and UI/UX

Once the requirements are defined, the design and user interface/user experience (UI/UX) of the wallet are created. The design should be visually appealing, intuitive, and user-friendly.


The actual development of the white label wallet software begins, using programming languages such as Java, Python, or C++. The development process includes backend development, frontend development, and integration with the blockchain network.


Once the wallet software is developed, it needs to undergo rigorous testing to ensure that it is secure and functions as intended. This includes unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing.


Once the testing is completed, the wallet software is deployed to the desired platform, such as the web, iOS, or Android. The wallet is configured and customized to meet the client’s branding and feature requirements.

Maintenance and Support

After the wallet is deployed, it requires ongoing maintenance and support. The development team provides bug fixes, updates, and technical support to ensure that the wallet is functioning properly and securely.

White Label Crypto Wallet Price

The price of a white label crypto wallet can vary depending on the level of customization and features required, the technology used, and the pricing structure of the service provider. While the cost may seem high, businesses can benefit from increased customer loyalty and retention, improved brand recognition, and a competitive edge in the cryptocurrency market. Careful evaluation of features and pricing options can help businesses choose a white label wallet development service that fits their needs and budget.


A white label crypto wallet can be a game-changer for businesses looking to enter the cryptocurrency market. With its customizable and flexible nature, businesses can offer a personalized and branded solution to their customers without the need for extensive development resources.

Moreover, a white label crypto wallet provides a range of features and security measures to ensure that users’ funds remain safe and secure. However, it is crucial to choose a trusted and reliable white label wallet provider to minimize the risks and vulnerabilities associated with cryptocurrency storage and management.

With the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies, a white label crypto wallet can be an essential tool for businesses looking to expand their offerings and stay ahead of the competition. By taking advantage of the unique benefits of a white label crypto wallet, businesses can attract new customers, build trust, and establish themselves as key players in the fast-evolving world of cryptocurrency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I offer my white label crypto wallet to users in different countries or regions?

Yes, white label crypto wallets can be customized to support different languages and currencies, making it possible to offer the wallet to users in different countries or regions.

How do crypto wallets handle regulatory compliance?

Crypto wallet providers typically have extensive experience with regulatory compliance and can help ensure that the wallet complies with relevant laws and regulations in different jurisdictions.

Can I customize the features of my whitelabel crypto wallet?

Yes, whitelabel crypto wallets can be customized to include a wide range of features, including the ability to purchase and sell cryptocurrencies, access to market data, and integration with third-party services.

How do I ensure the security of my white label Cryptocurrency wallet?

Customizable cryptocurrency wallets are designed with robust security measures to protect user funds and prevent unauthorized access. However, it is important to follow best practices for security, such as using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication.

Can I brand my white label crypto wallet with my own logo and design?

Yes, white label crypto wallets can be fully branded with your own logo and design to create a unique user experience.

How long does it take to launch a white label wallet?

The time it takes to launch a white label wallet will depend on a variety of factors, including the customization required, the complexity of the wallet features, and the blockchain network being used. However, white label wallet providers typically offer fast turnaround times to help businesses get to market quickly.

Is it possible to migrate my existing users to a crypto wallet white label ?

Yes, it is possible to migrate existing users to a crypto wallet white label. This can be done using various migration tools and services provided by the white label crypto wallet provider.

How do I integrate a customizable cryptocurrency wallet with a blockchain network?

Integrating a Customizable cryptocurrency wallet with a blockchain network involves connecting the wallet software to the network using an API or SDK. The wallet will then be able to send and receive cryptocurrencies on that network.

Can I customize the branding and user interface of a White Label Cryptocurrency Wallet?

Yes, one of the key advantages of using a White label cryptocurrency wallet is the ability to customize the branding and user interface to suit the needs of the business or individual launching the wallet service.

What kind of support is available for Customizable cryptocurrency wallets?

Customizable cryptocurrency wallet providers typically offer ongoing maintenance and support to ensure that the wallet is functioning properly and securely. This may include bug fixes, updates, and technical support.



Kenneth Kevin
Geek Culture

I am a tech enthusiast who loves to write on the latest technology trends