Why Augmented Reality Is the Technology of Future?

What Augmented Reality (AR) has in store for us and how it can alter our way of life.

Geek Culture


Studying Anatomy using Augmented Reality
Studying Anatomy using Augmented Reality (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Imagine this. You walk into your house, and all the walls and ceilings are covered in gold, you have a massive flat-screen TV on the wall, everything is completely clean, the kitchen counters are all granite, everything is really nice. But none of it is real, and you take off your glasses and everything goes back to normal.

In the not-so-distant future, this could be a reality. Where we decorate our homes not with real things, but virtual things. It might sound insane, but I don’t think it’s going to be that far off. Let me explain how and why I think it’s going to happen.

So as you know, virtual reality (VR) has gotten more and more popular these days, whether it’s the top end Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, you hook up to your computer or the kind you exactly use with your phone. And we’re even getting true augmented reality (AR) with Microsoft’s Hololens, which can put opaque holograms into your field of vision.

Right now these technologies are pretty big and clunky like with anything. But despite that, I’m seeing how we might get to a point where EVERYONE uses augmented reality practically all the time.



Geek Culture

Keen observer. Loves to explore. Interested in Tech, Politics and Law.