Why Does This Website Show No Source Code?

Explanation of how therickroll.com does not show any source code

Kaustubh Gupta
Geek Culture


Image by Author, Made in Canva


You are a great web developer. You created one of the best-looking websites with all the latest integrations. You published the website for the public and now, someone wants to replicate the same frontend interface that you created.

Today’s websites are more than simple text, graphics, and multimedia. They have transformed into web applications. These applications can do much more things than simple browsing. Coming to the question, the person looks upon the source code and may/may not get an idea about your strategy and the code depending upon how it’s designed.

But have you ever wondered that is it possible to completely hide the code? Here “completely” means that not only the source code is hidden on hosting platforms such as GitHub or Gitlab, but upon checking the “view-source” tab in any browser, nothing returns? Blank screen. Is it possible to do that?

Technically, at the time of writing this article, there is no “official” way to hide out the entire source code from the view-source tab. But, there is one amazing workaround that makes it possible to hide code from this tab!




Kaustubh Gupta
Geek Culture

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