Why I Love JavaScript

I coded in many programming languages, but Javascript is my favorite

Nuha Khaled
Geek Culture


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I started programming 12 years ago. I started as an undergraduate with C and C++, then I worked a lot with Java. I also had lots of projects with Python. My graduation project was focusing on Ruby for a year! Then after graduation, I settled with Chrome Extension Development — mainly JavaScript — and Ruby On Rails — mainly Ruby —, to discover that JavaScript is my favorite language.

Many people assume that if you love JS, then you tried no other language. Yet, for me, this is not the case at all. I love JS because of many reasons that I will list here. It doesn’t mean I hate other languages; I love each language in a specific context. It is just that JS suits me most. So let me share my reasons.

It works for most purposes

Usually, with any other programming language, there is the best use for it. So if I am considering a Machine Learning project, I would say Python. If I am considering a system programming language, I would say C or C++. It all depends on what is my project about, to decide what language suits my project. Yet, for JS it is there for most purposes.

If I want:

  • Backend Project (NodeJS)
  • Frontend (React, Vue, or…



Nuha Khaled
Geek Culture

Freelance Software Engineer | Unschooling Mother of 3 | Dedicated Muslimah