Why is a senior engineer… senior?

The top five skills to climb the career ladder and become a senior software engineer

Sérgio Martins
Geek Culture


Captain America on Avengers: Infinity War

If you follow me on LinkedIn, you might have seen that I recently announced my promotion to a senior position.

But, what makes one become a senior engineer?

Although you might think that it depends on your technical skills, let me tell you that you couldn’t be farther from reality.

Senior engineers are already expected to be technically deep and to deliver on time. Thus, being a “technically deep” engineer is merely a tiny drop in the ocean for a promotion.

Therefore, I invested some time to write down the traits that will support you the most in climbing the software engineering career ladder.

  • Impact — The number #1 word expressing seniority. You should be focusing on delivering impactful results. Not necessarily executing the most demanding tasks, but instead going for the ones that would ultimately support the team and the product’s needs the most. You should raise self-awareness of the product and teams’ needs to prioritize your work efficiently.
  • Perception — Be reliable. If you say you’ll do something, do it and do it well, with care. That way, people will look up to you and ensure that…



Sérgio Martins
Geek Culture

Hey, my name is Sérgio, and I’m a Senior Software Engineer by trade. Here you’ll find short and straight-to-the-point articles related to my craft, and business