Why Most People Fail To Be Programmers

The hidden truth: coding is not for everyone

Nuha Khaled
Geek Culture


Photo by David Pupaza on Unsplash

I have been over 7 years in software. In those years, I was always interested in helping others to learn to program. I was a teacher assistant for a while at the University of Alexandria, where I taught programming-related courses for computer engineering students, and I also gave a course that was open for anyone — not just CS students —. All of this helped me see how learning to code is not the same for everyone, and that sadly the majority would fail in learning to code.

In this article, I will share the top reasons I noticed.

1. Searching for the perfect curriculum

The first and the most reason for all failures, is not learning at all. Those who fail in learning to code never code or learn anything. All they do is ask and search for the perfect curriculum. They keep searching on what they should start with, and what they should do. You will listen for years for questions like is this course better, or this, is this textbook better or this, yet then they start none of the two choices.

If they knew that all they need is to just start, they would have saved a lot of wasted effort, but sadly it is easy to feel lost when you are not into the field yet.



Nuha Khaled
Geek Culture

Freelance Software Engineer | Unschooling Mother of 3 | Dedicated Muslimah