Why Search Bar Placement is Crucial in Mobile Design?

Ulvin Omarov
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readJul 9, 2023

The search bar in mobile interfaces is a crucial component that enables users to quickly and conveniently find the information they are looking for within an app or website. Placed prominently at the top or bottom of the screen, the search bar serves as a gateway to content, allowing users to input their search queries and receive relevant results.

Well, why is the search bar used sometimes at the top and sometimes at the bottom of the screen?

The placement of the search bar at the top or bottom of the screen in mobile interfaces can vary based on design considerations and user experience goals. Here are some reasons for each placement:

1. Top Placement:

— Visibility: Placing the search bar at the top ensures it is immediately visible to users when they first open the app or website, making it easily accessible.
— Familiarity: Top placement aligns with the common convention of search bars in many popular apps and websites, creating a sense of familiarity and reducing cognitive load.
— Consistency: It allows for consistent placement across different screens and pages, providing a seamless user experience.

2. Bottom Placement:

— Reachability: Placing the search bar at the bottom of the screen makes it more easily reachable with the thumb, especially on larger devices, improving usability and ergonomics.
— One-Handed Use: With larger smartphones, users can comfortably interact with the search bar using just one hand, making it convenient for on-the-go or single-handed use.
— Design Balance: Bottom placement can help distribute visual weight across the screen, creating a balanced and aesthetically pleasing layout.

Optimizing Search Bar Placement for Mobile Phone Usability: Considering One-Handed and Two-Handed Usage

The usage of the search bar on mobile phones can vary depending on whether it is being operated with one hand or two hands.

When using a mobile phone with one hand, accessing the search bar located at the top of the screen can be challenging, especially on larger devices. Users may need to adjust their grip or perform finger gymnastics to reach the search bar comfortably. In such cases, it is essential for the search bar to be easily reachable and accessible within the thumb’s natural range of movement to ensure a seamless user experience.

Source: Google search

On the other hand, when using a mobile phone with two hands, accessing the search bar positioned at the top becomes more convenient. With a wider grip and increased stability, users can easily tap on the search bar without the constraints of one-handed usage.

To accommodate both one-handed and two-handed usage, many mobile apps have started incorporating alternative placement options for the search bar. Some apps position the search bar at the bottom of the screen, within reach of the user’s thumb, making it more accessible for one-handed usage. This approach ensures a smoother and more comfortable search experience for users who prefer operating their phones with one hand.

Suggestions in the Search bar

The design of a mobile search bar should prioritize simplicity and ease of use. It should feature a clear and visible text input field where users can enter their search terms. Additionally, an intuitive search icon or button adjacent to the text field helps users initiate the search action.

To enhance the user experience, modern mobile search bars often incorporate autocomplete suggestions or predictive text, providing users with real-time suggestions as they type. This feature helps users refine their search queries and find what they need more efficiently.

Search bar with filter or sorting

Furthermore, search bars can include filters or sorting options, enabling users to narrow down their search results based on specific criteria. This allows for more targeted and personalized search experiences.

Overall, a well-designed search bar in mobile interfaces enhances usability, improves navigation, and empowers users to quickly access the content they desire, making it an essential element in mobile app and website design.

Wrap up

When determining the optimal placement of the search bar, it’s important to consider the ergonomic needs of users, prevalent usage patterns, and the goal of providing a seamless and efficient search experience. Factors such as screen size, user preferences, and the overall visual hierarchy of the interface play a role in this decision. Ultimately, the placement of the search bar should align with the specific context, user behavior, and design objectives, ensuring a user-friendly and intuitive interaction regardless of whether the phone is being used with one hand or two.

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Ulvin Omarov
Geek Culture

🎨 Next-Gen UX & Product Designer 🦄 13x Global Design Award Winner 🏆 Framer Partner