Why Senior Developers Do Not Watch Youtube Crash Courses Like Us

More You Watch The Lesser You Learn —The Hard Truth

Lanka Rathnayaka
Geek Culture


You may be someone who watches endless no of framework crash courses and still not comfortable with the particular technology stack. I recently identified that most of the senior developers do not spend hours of time watching these crash courses on youtube and following Facebook clone tutorials and stuff.

Sometimes I might be wrong or there may be senior devs who follow popular crash courses and following Twitter clone youtube clone-type videos. So I highly encourage everyone to share their point of view as well.

I am not here to convey that Framework crash courses are bad and useless. I would like to share things that got into my mind within the few months in the software industry. I highly encourage the other readers and programmers, experienced software engineers on medium to share your view and opinion on this.

Within the first few months as a software developer, most of the technological approaches that I have been imagined changed drastically. In my university life, I mostly spent time on Framework crash courses on youtube. I Watched end-to-end full-stack project builds on youtube and tried to follow them step by step. Thinking that this is the way of learning new…

