Why Should Startups Choose Shopify For eCommerce App Development?

Emma Jhonson
Geek Culture
Published in
7 min readJan 26, 2022
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We are currently in the age of technology. The use of digital apps is growing rapidly, and more people are turning to them for their everyday needs. There has been a recent 40% increase in eCommerce stores that have opened up on Shopify, which means that there are many benefits to developing an app with this platform.

  • 3,613,329 live websites are utilizing the Shopify platform; additionally, 1,658,655 sites used it historically. (BuiltWith)
  • Shopify is one of the excellent eCommerce platforms, with about 20% market share.

In this article, we will be discussing why startups should choose eCommerce platforms like Shopify website development!!!

So let’s get started…

10+ Reasons Why Startups Should Choose Shopify For eCommerce App Development

The reasons why startups should use the Shopify app development platform are as follows:

1. User-friendly Platform

Shopify is a user-friendly eCommerce platform that can be used by startups with little or no experience. The purpose of Shopify is to help entrepreneurs start businesses without requiring them to have coding knowledge.

This platform itself is easy to navigate, and the apps are just as simple. The user-friendliness of this app makes it perfect for startups since they may not have a large number of resources or time to dedicate towards developing an eCommerce store.

2. Clean Interface

Another reason why Shopify is great for startups is that its interface does not clutter websites. This is important since it provides a clean and uniform look for all of the businesses that use their platform.

The purpose of this uniform design is to give each company or business an equal opportunity at success, so they should not be hindered by unnecessary elements such as pop-ups and advertisements on their website homepage.

3. Support

One of the added benefits of using Shopify for app development is that it provides its users with 24/h support. This allows for businesses to contact the platform when they are in need of assistance or have any questions about how their app works, meaning startups can get help when they are in a bind without having to wait until morning hours where customer service representatives may be available.

4. Widely Used

Shopify is one of the most widely used platforms for ecommerce stores, which makes it perfect for startups. There are currently 20%+ market shares within this platform, meaning that there will be less competition when marketing products on their app store.

Since they have a large number of users already utilizing the services provided by Shopify, most customers are already familiar with the platform, which means it is easier for startups to market themselves.

If in case you also now want to use Shopify for eCommerce online store development, avail Shopify development services from the top-notch custom Shopify development company. This will help you out make efficient of the platform without worrying about the final result.

5. Low-cost Solution

Shopify is a low-cost solution that allows businesses to have access to high-quality features without spending thousands of dollars on expensive software or apps.

This makes it great for both large and small companies since they can easily make an ecommerce store without worrying about their budget.

6. A Comprehensive Solution

Shopify offers a great solution for startups since it is comprehensive and has all the tools that businesses need to succeed online such as unlimited bandwidth, 24hr support, analytics & reporting features, etcetera.

This makes it easier for companies to focus on other aspects of their business without worrying about the technical details of their ecommerce store.

7. Multi-language Support

Another benefit of using Shopify is the fact that they offer their services in over 20 different languages. This allows for businesses to have a global reach without having to worry about whether or not their ecommerce store will be compatible with other languages.

Since there are so many people who speak English, this makes it easier for companies to expand their customer base and increase revenue.

8. Simple Migration

One of the excellent things about Shopify is that its app development services come with a simple migration tool, which allows for businesses to switch from other ecommerce platforms without having to pay an arm and a leg in order to do so.

This makes it easier for startups since they can transfer their business to Shopify without having to bother about how much it will cost them.

9. SEO Friendly

Another benefit of using Shopify is that it’s SEO-friendly. This means that businesses will be able to access their ecommerce store from a number of different devices, which makes it easier for them to promote products within an app development platform and increase revenue in the long term.

This provides users with excellent customer service skills and makes it easier for companies to promote products within an ecommerce store through their mobile apps.

If you also want to develop an SEO-friendly online store for your business vertical, get connected with the Shopify app developers; this will help you get innovative ecommerce software solutions, ultimately helping you in forming a unique and multi-functional site.

10. High Conversion Rates

One of the best things about the Shopify platform is that it provides its users with a high conversion rate. This means that customers can easily purchase products through their ecommerce store without having to worry about whether or not the site itself is reliable.

Since every page within a Shopify store development platform should load quickly, businesses can expect minimal user drop-off rates, which allows them to see high conversion rates.

11. High Trust Rating

Another benefit of using Shopify is that it has a high trust rating, which means that users will know that the platform they are purchasing from is credible and reliable. This makes them more likely to purchase products through an ecommerce store since they can expect excellent customer service skills as well as great prices.

Since Shopify has a trust rating of 4.8/5, users can expect their ecommerce app development platform to be reliable and trustworthy, which will make them more likely to purchase products through the store’s website.

12. Fully Customizable

Another benefit that startups should keep in mind when looking for an ecommerce app is its ability to provide its users with a fully customizable platform.

This means that Shopify offers its services in multiple languages, which makes it easier for businesses to extend their customer base and increase revenue, just like mentioned above. Since there are so many people who speak English, this makes it easier for companies to expand their customer base because most of the world’s population speaks English.

They also offer a fully customizable platform which means that users will be able to customize their site however they want, without having to worry about whether or not the changes they make could harm other areas of their website. This makes it easier for companies since they can personalize aspects such as shipping and payment methods according to what works best for them.

13. Robust Marketing Tools

Another benefit of using Shopify is that users can expect robust marketing tools. This makes it easier for businesses since they will be able to access their site on the go, which means that even if customers are looking at products through an ecommerce app development platform while they’re on vacation or at home with friends, companies won’t miss out on any sales opportunities.

Since users can access their ecommerce app on the go, they won’t have to worry about missing out on any sales as long as customers are still shopping online. This provides them with excellent customer service skills and makes it easier for companies to expand their business through mobile apps.

Also, since Shopify has robust marketing tools, users can expect to have access to features such as abandoned cart recovery, custom coupon campaigns, and email marketing. This allows businesses to easily recover from lost sales opportunities which makes it easier for them to increase revenue and customer base in the long term.

Famous Brands Using Shopify

There are so many small to big brands which are using Shopify for eCommerce app development some of them are stated below:

  • CRED
  • Accenture
  • Tesla Motors
  • Wikipedia
  • HBO
  • Sendcloud
  • Turo
  • Riot Games, and more.

Ending Words

Shopify has been around for years and offers a wide array of solutions that are scalable to the needs of any startup. If you’re considering an eCommerce site or app development, then it may be worth your time to explore how this solution could work for you.

Moreover, if you’re looking for an easy-to-use platform that can grow with your company as it expands, then this might be the right choice for you! To make efficient and adequate use of the platform in eCommerce site development, you can avail of eCommerce development services from the best custom Shopify development company. By doing so, you will be able to get a great final outcome matching your business needs.



Emma Jhonson
Geek Culture

I am a technical expert, a passionate writer, and a seasoned IT professional for the last 5 years at www.ValueCoders.com