Why should You Learn Gatsby In 2021? What Are The Benefits?

Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2021

What is Gatsby?

Gatsby is an open-source front-end framework that enables developers to utilize the best part of React, Webpack, GraphQL and other front-end tools for developing optimized websites. Gatsby combines the speed of a static generated website with the functionality of a framework. Thus, it uses only static files for faster load time, code splitting, server-side rendering, asset optimization, intelligent image loading, and data prefetching. Hence, giving incredibly fast page loading.

Gatsby converts the website code into a directory with a single HTML file along with static assets. This file is then uploaded to the hosting provider and voila, your app-like website is ready!

Features of Gatsby

Fast page load speed

SEO efficiency

Great user experience

Data security

Easy scalability (in the case of traffic spikes)

Good experience for developers

Static site generation (SSG)

Good site performance

Better Ecosystem

World class documentation

Fun to use and learn

Why choose Gatsby? What are the advantages?

I am listing down the biggest advantages of using Gatsby, which will give you bunches of reasons to become a professional Gatsby developer.

1.Combine data from anywhere

It uses an innovative data layer built on GraphQL to combine data from different sources and render them alongside. Thus, enabling developers to integrate different content, APIs, and services into a single web.

2.Unparalleled Speed and Responsiveness

It unites the benefits of static site generation and intelligent page rendering to load only the part that matters — thus giving blazing fast websites with smooth navigation. Hence, websites built using Gatsby have better search engine rankings, usability score and more conversion rate.

3.Give a quick start

With a massive ecosystem of plugins, themes, and starters, Gatsby allows developers to develop and deploy websites in no time.

4.Amazing development experience

Gatsby utilizes web technologies and tools such as Git, JavaScript, and APIs allowing developers to use more time on application code rather than maintenance and optimization.

5.Easy scalability

Gatsby employs technologies that can instantly provide scalability during traffic spike while protecting your data from traditional server-side vulnerabilities. Therefore, giving ultra-fast web experience to your users each and every time.

6.Get more than expectation

Its flexible and distinguishing features allows developers, marketers, and companies to give incredible web experience to their customers on time and within their budget range.

7.Gatsby Ecosystem: Plugins, Themes, and Starters

Plugins enable developers to integrate Gatsby with third-party platforms and transfer data through the GraphQL layer. One of the reasons why developers love Gatsby is that it is a react-based framework thus allowing them to use any package that is used with NPM.

-Great websites built with Gatsby:-

Similarities between Gatsby and Next.js

Gatsby and Next.js both are the open-source React.js frameworks which is useful for building static sites with good SEO and good performance as well. There are some Similarities between both of them, which are following:-

Generate very performant websites.

Creates SPA out-of-the-box.

Creates good SEO out-of-the-box

Have an awesome developer experience.


If you have read the whole article, then you might be fully understanding the benefits Gatsby provides. There is probably no question that it is a latest technology, which gives a bundle of reasons to marketers, businessmen, corporates, and retailers to use it.

In the last, we can say if you start learning it for your profession or knowledge, then there would be no losses for you.

