What is Next js? Next js tutorial. What are the benefits of Next js in 2021?

Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readMar 13, 2021

What Is Next.JS?

The Next.js framework is based on the React framework. Next.js is a server-rendered React framework that requires little or no configuration. Nowadays, An increasing number of people are learning from next js tutorials. Next.js isn’t so much about performance as it is about improving the developer experience and making it easier to build full-fledged, SSR-friendly web applications.

Static builds are also supported by Next.js, but they aren’t the main target. When we get to the drawbacks, we’ll talk about them.

What is Express js?

Express.js, or simply Express, is a back-end web application framework for Node.js that was distributed under the MIT License as free and open-source software. It is intended for the development of web applications and APIs. It’s been dubbed Node.js’ de facto standard server framework.

Next JS has its own built-in server, thus you don’t need to use express js. However, because express js is so widely used, it makes it easy for developers to interact with databases and perform other backend tasks.

Features of Next.Js

Server-Side rendering (SSR)

Static site generation (SSG)

Single-Page application (SPA)

Development of faster application

Optimization of pages

SEO websites

Automatic code splitting

What is Next js used for?

Now the question is that when should we use Next.Js. we can see a lot of features and advantages Next.Js has. In the following situations we can use Next.Js to develop our web applications.

1.Next js ecommerce

Next JS released a powerful eCommerce starter kit a few weeks ago that allows you to create high-performance, user-friendly, and Google-friendly webshops.

2.When SEO is crucial.

When registering any website on the internet, SEO is always taken into account. Since these websites are made on the client-side, SEO does not function properly in most single-page applications. As Google crawls for indexing, it simply picks a bunch of JS files and Div tags with IDs, making it impossible to index a website. As a result, proceed. js is a programming language that is used to solve problems.

3.Landing page

When we are supposed to build a landing page, then we can use Next.Js, because it helps marketers a lot to make the marketing-focused page.

4.Marketing websites

Because our application will be rendered on the server, load times can improve significantly. Especially in those cases where visitors use slower devices.

5.Static websites

Writing a website entirely in HTML is not only difficult and time-consuming, but you’re unlikely to be able to write better code than what a machine can produce (at least in terms of package size).

Next js examples

In this Next js tutorial, you’ll see some fantastic websites created using the framework. The following are the specifics:


Gatsby and Next.js both are the open-source React.js frameworks which is useful for building static sites with good SEO and good performance as well. There are some Similarities between both of them, which are following:-

Generate very performant websites.

Creates SPA out-of-the-box.

Creates good SEO out-of-the-box

Have an awesome developer experience.

Next js vs Gatsby

1.The main distinction is that, while Next requires a server to work (in order to provide SSR capabilities), Gatsby may run without one.

2.Next is a hybrid tool for server-side rendered websites and a static site generator, whereas Gatsby is a static site generator.

3.When it comes to data handling, Next gives the user complete control. Gatsby, on the other hand, instructs consumers on how to handle data in their app.

4.Gatsby provides pure HTML/JS/CSS at build time, whereas Next can generate HTML/JS/CSS at runtime.

Advantages of Next.Js

I am listing down the 10 biggest advantages of using Next.Js, which will give you bunches of reasons to become a professional Next.Js developer.

1.Split code

It breaks the code automatically to make the page load faster. That is why most of the above-mentioned websites have a faster load page ability because they are built for a large audience.

2.Brings organic traffic

Websites developed with Next JS are not only lightning-fast but also simple to search for robots and provide a great user experience. These three factors — pace, structure, and user experience — are significant ranking factors that will boost your website’s search engine rankings.

3.Rich User experience

The most advantageous aspect of using Next JS is the user experience, which is second only to pace. Marketers adore design independence, particularly in the eCommerce industry, where many online stores look the same, and having a unique storefront will help them stand out from the competition.


The static site is completely secure because it has no direct link to the database, dependencies, user data, or other confidential information.

5.Faster load page time

Next, since JS websites are static, they are extremely fast, and visitors will be more than happy with the results. It can also automatically optimize pages whenever it is required.

6.Quick support

Next.Js is React framework so it is very easy to get quick support when it will need most. You don’t need to build it from scratch, as there would always be a React developer to give quick support to you.

7. Server-side rendering

Improved data protection and compliance with PIPA. Client-side rendering applications expect data fields to be fed to the browser as a JSON object…
-Reduce network latency to increase page load time.
-Server-side processing efficiency that can be expected.
-User measurements that are accurate.
-There are fewer problems with browser compatibility.

8.Responsive Websites

Next JS-powered websites and apps run on any platform and adjust to any screen size. As a result, users can use their chosen computer to access your website or application.

9.Helps to build Multi-user websites

It’s no surprise that the most important aspect of a broad multi-user platform is its efficiency, given the amount of data produced in real-time by its users.

Furthermore, “real-time” implies that rendering must be performed continuously, using the most up-to-date data.


Next, JS websites and web apps operate on any platform, making them universally accessible.


If you have read the whole Next js tutorial, then you might be fully understanding the benefits Next.Js provides. There is probably no question that it is a next-level(that’s why they call it next) technology, as it gives a bundle of reasons to marketers, businessmen, corporates, and retailers to use it.

In the last, we can say if you start learning it for your profession or knowledge, then there would be no losses for you.

