Yesterday Marked the Death of Art as an Industry

Starting yesterday, AI is now definitively better than human artists in almost every sense of the word. Here’s why human art & design is about to crumble.

Nick Saraev
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readApr 10, 2022


On March 6th, 2022, OpenAI released DALL-E 2: their “new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language”.

I don’t say this lightly: this new AI system is not just on-par with human artists. It is definitively better than humans in almost every sense of the word.

The model has access to hundreds of thousands of distinct art styles, has a keen understanding of context, and can create incredible works in under fifteen seconds that would have otherwise taken a human days or weeks.

Animal helicopter chimera by Aditya Ramesh

The displacement of human artists

This is not an exaggeration. Nor am I being hyperbolic. Those of us that work in the art & design industry are about to feel a huge squeeze.

This should sound the alarm for the vast majority of current artists to start looking for new work. If…



Nick Saraev
Geek Culture

Demystifying cutting-edge AI & tech. Writer for The Cusp. 🌎