You Cannot Create Software Without Bugs, Problems and Mistakes

if it can go wrong, it will go wrong

Ben "The Hosk" Hosking
Geek Culture



When you create software bugs will appear, problems will happen and things will go wrong

Even the best developers create bugs, make mistakes and create problems. They do it less than bad, mad and junior developers but they no developer can avoid it.

Software developers all have days where development just does not go right or we think it went well and then turn on the computer the next day to see all hell has broken loose because of something we have done.

Even great developers make mistakes

It doesn’t matter how good a developer you are, how experienced you are or the quality steps in place, there is no way to stop all things going wrong.

Even the best developers create bugs, make mistakes and create problems

Software is a creative process and the cost of creating software is it won’t always go right. I like to think of Azure’s approach; they don’t stop servers crashing and hoping that you will never have a problem.

Instead, they make sure they recover fast because they know it’s impossible to always stop servers from…



Ben "The Hosk" Hosking
Geek Culture

Technology philosopher | Software dev → Solution architect | Avid reader | Life long learner