Your First Python Automation Project

Learn How To Schedule A Script to Organize Your Downloads Folder And Simplify Your Digital Life

Jon McEwen
Geek Culture


Photo by British Library on Unsplash

Your first python automation project should include widely applicable techniques and also simplify your day-to-day life. With those criteria in mind, creating and scheduling a script that organizes your downloads folder is the perfect beginner’s automation project.

In this article, I’ll walk step-by-step through a python script that organizes your downloads folder and the process to automate its execution. Though this is a beginner’s project, it touches on several topics. As a consequence, the article will be thorough.

Note: the script will run on Mac and Windows, but the automation component is specific to Mac. If using Windows, reference this article for an equivalent approach to automation.

What is the end goal of the project?

The goal is to write a python script that organizes your downloads folder into sub-folders based on file type and then automate its execution on a schedule. The sub-folders are Images, PDFs, Data, and Other.

Of course, you can adjust the code in this article to bucket files into any file-type categories that you’d like.

