What is Elastic Search?

Anurag Patel
Geek Farmer
Published in
4 min readDec 25, 2022

ES: Elastic Search

Elastic Search is a search engine based on the Lucene library. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents.

Elastic Search is designed to be scalable, flexible, and highly available, making it a popular choice for powering search and analysis in various applications. In this article, we will explore the features and capabilities of Elastic Search and how it can be used to improve the performance of search and analysis in your own projects. Whether you are new to Elastic Search or simply want to learn more about this powerful tool, this article is a great place to start.

Elastic Search is a powerful search and analytics engine that can handle all types of data, including textual, numerical, geospatial, structured, and unstructured. It is built on Apache Lucene, a free and open-source search engine library, and is written in Java. Elastic Search was originally developed as a scalable version of Lucene, but has since added the ability to horizontally scale indices.

Nowadays, Elastic Search is widely used for a variety of purposes, including log analytics, full-text search, security intelligence, business analytics, and operational intelligence. Its versatility and scalability make it a valuable tool for a variety of industries and applications.

ES helps everyone find what they need faster.

ES is a powerful tool for searching and analyzing data, but it relies on the process of data ingestion to function effectively. Data ingestion involves taking raw data from various sources, such as logs, system metrics, and web applications, and parsing, normalizing, and enriching it before indexing it in ES. This process allows users to run complex queries and use aggregations to retrieve summaries of their data.

Once the data is indexed in ES, users can use the visualization tool Kibana to create powerful visualizations of their data and share dashboards with others. Kibana also allows users to manage the Elastic Stack, making it a valuable tool for data management and analysis. Overall, the process of data ingestion and the use of ES and Kibana make it easier for users to gain insights from their data and make informed decisions.


Fast time-to-value

ES offers simple REST based APIs and uses schema free JSON documents, which makes it easy to get started and build applications for different use cases.

High performance

Distributed nature of ES, enables it to process large volume of data in parallel and finding best matches based on applied search and filter criteria.

Near Real-time operations

In ES, operations such as reading and writing the data usually takes less than a second to complete. This enables ES for more wider use cases such as application monitoring and tracking.

Tooling and plugins

ES comes with different types of integrated plugins like Kibana which is a powerful visualization and reporting tool. It also offers integration with with number of open-source ES plugins such as language analyzer and many more plugins to add rich functionality in our application.


The speed and scalability of ES and its ability to index many types of content mean that it can be used for a number of use cases:

  • Application search: Applications that rely heavily on a search platform for the access, retrieval, and reporting of data, like Amazon product sear.
  • Website search: Websites which store a lot of content find ES a very useful tool for effective and accurate searches.
  • Enterprise search: E-commerce product search, blog search, people search, and any form of search you can think of, Search solutions of most of the popular websites we use on a daily basis.
  • Logging and log analytics: Ingesting and analyzing log data in near-real-time and in a scalable manner
  • Infrastructure metrics and container monitoring: Gathering data across several performance parameters that vary by use case. Provides important operational insights on log metrics to drive.
  • Application performance monitoring
  • Geospatial data analysis and visualization
  • Security analytics: Access logs and similar logs concerning system security can be analyzed with the ELK stack, providing a more complete picture of what’s going on across your systems in real-time.
  • Business analytics: Have support to Kibana, which allows non-technical or business users to create visualizations and perform analytics on ES data without prior knowledge or expertise


Elastic Search supports a variety of languages and official clients are available for:

  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Go
  • .NET (C#)
  • PHP
  • Perl
  • Python
  • Ruby

I hope you enjoyed reading about Elastic Search and how it can be used to optimize search and analysis in various applications. If you found this article helpful or have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me through the comments.

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