My easiest upgrade ever — Ubuntu 6.10 to 7.04

Dan Wieringa
The Geeklimit Archives
1 min readApr 19, 2007

First of all, sorry for not posting in a while. Vacation, work stuff, wife surgery, etc. I’ll post the backlogged stuff I have in the admin backend, I promise.


My first upgrade on Ubuntu has gone off without a hitch. I’m continued to be impressed by how well everything works on Ubuntu, after using Windows my entire professional life. I’ve continued to admin a network of 400 machines and 1200 users, and have only needed Windows once, to get a screenshot.

Unbeleivable. Congrats to Mark Shuttleworth and all the Ubuntu dev’s for a fantastic product. I continue to have the hardest time explaining why my IT-based friends should at least give the LiveCD a shot. They don’t know what they’re missing…

I followed some great insrtuctions here. I used the apt-get method, but had to make a few changes, since the ‘sed’ command didn’t work for me… Here’s what I did:

  1. Open Terminal
  2. sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
  3. (enter your password)
  4. (sources.list opens)
  5. Click the ‘replace’ button and replace all ‘edgy’ with ‘feisty’ (no quotes)
  6. Save and close
  7. sudo apt-get update
  8. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (say yes to everything)
  9. reboot

done. If you want to test it, you could give the terminal a: sudo lsb_release -a

