Why, who, what — welcome to geekrama!

Piotr Górecki Jr
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2016

Why I’m doing this?

Because I like writing and arguing about technology, design and gadgets. Oh, and 140 characters is way too little sometimes.

What is geekrama?

Geekrama is… the title of my new blog. I don’t remember how exactly I came with this name, but it sounds nice and I decided it to stay. Welcome to geekrama!

I’ll be sharing my personal thoughts and opinions on computing platforms, operating systems, devices, design, user experiences and much more. Remember, it’s a personal blog. My opinions are my own and I will be more than happy to discuss them in comment section or on Twitter (Piotr Górecki Jr).

Who am I?

I’m a husband, a father and a geek living near Warsaw, Poland (English is not my first language, be lenient!). I graduated from Warsaw University of Technology with a master degree in computer science, specializing in neural networks, control systems and biometrics.

For more than four years now, my full time job is connected with insurance industry — data analytics, risk engineering and reporting (not as boring as it sounds). It doesn’t stop me from practising my skills on programming side projects (mobile apps, web development) and design/UX/typography.

I wouldn’t call myself a geek, if I wasn’t addicted to gadgets and modern tech. Yes, I’m a smartfone addict and I’m not ashamed of that. You should’t be surprised when I’m writing about Microsoft stuff, because I’m die-hard Windows user on both phones and PCs. For now. It may change soon, but it’s probably a topic for a separate post.

Why Medium?

Your words are wasted — this great blog posts from Scott Hanselman made me believe that one should have its own domain and content management system for blogging. That we should own our words. And it still holds true, in general. My wife has her food blog on our own server — Wordpress framework is great for that. But there’re downsides: maintenance, security, reach and easy of use. That’s why I decided to use Medium. After DDoS attacks, vulnerable plugins and and other inconveniences that happened to my wife’s self hosted blog, I was sure I don’t have time for server-side maintenance with this small non-profit initiative.

Second reason is engagement and reach. Medium is great community focused on technology, design and lifestyle — the target group of geekrama. Commenting systems and featured articles may help me to do what I want most — provoke to discussion and share my point of view with broader audience. When I want and about what I want.

Let’s go!

