Let’s Think bigger, Coexistence in TechWorld!

Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2020

Initially, I was going to write about celebrating women in Tech. After brainstorming and looking at the bigger picture. I realized we do celebrate women in Tech, companies are investing, incentivizing women to work. Then, Where are things going wrong?

Being a woman I am attracted to fashion, being an IT professional I am attracted to all the glitz and glam of the meetups, networking events, and workshops around me. In Tech events and meetups, gender equality, (Women) Vs men is a hot debate. What we often fail to do is create a safe space for both to coexist. Maturing the culture well enough so both can navigate.

In a world full of stress man vs women debate is only going to add up stress. This will only slow down the progress we are making towards inclusivity and diversity in tech.

Coexistence diversity and corporates

Women didn’t start pouring into the labor force until the 1960s. Corporates are investing money to make their culture diverse and inclusive to make a profit. Diversity means a different way of thinking about a single problem.

For example, If we are working on a product with both men and women involved. Men might be good at thinking about the technical side. Women being more empathetic will be thinking about customer relations, customer satisfaction, and reaching future goals.

Coexistence and diversity have become a priority for corporations because a diverse team always outperforms a non-diverse team in terms of profit and growth.

Women bring to the table that men can’t

Practically: Diversity and even avenues for funding that won’t be there for male-led startups.

  1. A true tech lady is really into tech and knows more than men because of their passion and dedication.
  2. Women are naturally empathizing and good at multitasking. This makes women naturally good at leadership and community building. Because they understand their employees better.
  3. When it comes to computing is that men are not blessed with a broader perspective when it comes to finding problems. A woman can look at a problem and find 100 similar problems. A man can look at one problem and try to find solutions.
  4. Both have advantages in certain areas like women are innately good at design and finding flaws in the system. While men are good at fixing problems one at a time.

Improving the dynamics of coexistence

A diverse, coexisting culture is not an easy thing to achieve. Women are quitting tech jobs double the rate than men. We’ll never move forward if men and women treat each other as adversaries instead of allies.

A diverse culture in a team is possible when we embrace unique individual strengths. When individuals feel empowered and included in decision making.


Creating a collaborative and learning culture is the only way forward. I believe in making a safe environment for both men and women where they can coexist sharing their experiences and learning.

I think in a coexisting environment both can really shine. Bringing them together and encouraging them. If both understand their strengths and yet defend the other in their weaknesses. Sometimes a wider perceptive of the problem is needed other times a quick solution is required.








Blockchain Developer, Blockchain Researcher, Web3 Technical Writer