Best Self Improvement Books | Motivating Books

GeekyAlien Editor
Published in
6 min readJun 28, 2018

The passion of reading cannot be matched with any other hobby. Every reader gets fascinated, they get inspired and moreover, they try to adapt their favourite author’s mannerisms in their own lives. Some readers become more disciplined, while others get extraordinarily organized and end up in building their potential from within. Start reading a book and, you get to know that it is the perfect place to interact with the characters. There are times when the reader portrays himself as one of the characters and feel so lost in the plot, and sense it as an untold piece of his or her own life. It should not be more surprising that we have a saying of olden times — ‘Pen is mightier than a sword’. The impact of magical words within a book can transform the lives and thoughts of millions.

Here’s a list of selected books that would certainly empower your ‘self’, motivate your hidden thoughts, develop the positivity of minds, and make you feel good.

The best way to begin our list is to know how to tackle the one-letter enemy within you.

  1. EGO IS THE ENEMY (by Ryan Holiday)

The author, Holiday, stresses on the idea that there are no known external issues that would affect the personality of an individual. However, it is the attitude, the ego that makes one stay away from being clear-headed and stay calm. Ego is one such factor that lets down one’s confidence and becomes an obstacle to one’s self-awareness. One needs to be more confident to follow the ambition and lead a successful life. Success can lay you blindfolded to your faults and blunders. I believe that one’s attitude plays a major role in the construction of the professional life. This book explains impressively the necessity to tackle ego by narrating stories of a vast number of personalities from literature to philosophy to history. The readers get inspired by some of the dominant quotes from the author, for an instance, ‘Success is intoxicating. Yet to sustain it requires sobriety.’ The author inspires the reader to think big, but at the same time urges them to act and live small so as to fulfil and achieve the dreams.



The author defines and explains the in-depth meaning of the book title in an extremely rare and enjoyable fashion. The author, Iddo Landau, makes strong statements in every chapter and focuses majorly on identifying and recognizing the significance of life. The rich content of the book helps the reader to understand and realize the value of one’s life emotionally, philosophically, and feel the pleasure of the meaningful life. The author systematically cites relative instances and takes the reader through the different ‘worthy dimensions of life’. The author also makes some statements that can be considered one of the most dynamic discussions, “Whatever we humans do is negligible when viewed from the perspective of the wider universe.” The readers undoubtedly sense the ‘meaning of life’ from such statements. This book is a must-read for those readers who value their lives and every chapter in the book acts as a perfect guide to justify the meaning of life.


This book is a complete package that alters the reader’s life to become more than simply effective. Covey emphasizes to bring out a change in the way we see the world and ourselves. I simply loved the author’s strategy to reach right solutions to professional and personal problems with an integrated and holistic approach. The author focuses on personal development by insisting the readers to implement the most important traits in one’s everyday life so as to become more efficient to equally understand the ‘self’ and the existence of surrounding people. This book is globally loved and has inspired lives of presidents, CEOs, parents, and several other millions.



We constantly try to be good, impress people around us and get appreciated. Everyone just loves to be praised by others. This book teaches the reader to make every small effort to make other’s day. Influencing people plays a major role in carving success in one’s business and personal lives. The author explains a step-by-step course of action to make people admire you and convince them to think the way you do. This becomes the core subject of the four parts the make up the whole book. The author explains the secret of dealing with others and the ways one can get welcomed by them. Furthermore, the author conveys to the reader one of the most valuable lessons in life — that is, talk about the mistakes and admit them.


  1. THINKING FAST AND SLOW (by Daniel Kahneman)

This author beautifully discusses the power of thinking and the deep conscious. He focuses on the biases of intuition. The book is divided into five parts and provides a deeper insight into judgement, statistical thinking, decision-making, and the distinguished ‘self’. The author cites easier examples of everyday life that leads one to think fast or slow. The readers would thoroughly enjoy the propositions set by the author and would literally end up in re-evaluating the mental events and thinking activities.

The above-mentioned books are only handful ones that inspire and leave the readers to perceive the world around them, stay alert, be confident, get impressive, and thus, improve one’s own personality. The mind-blowing stories in these books will certainly help in making every reader’s life precious. The priority and choice of reading books would vary; however, every chapter and every single character carved by the author is going to stay deep in the reader’s minds.


There are some books that teach you to be honest, some make you more confident, whereas there are others that show you how to respect failure and how to soar high from the errors.

Books capture the essence of philosophy and make the readers dive into the powerful messages delivered by such wonderful authors. Click To Tweet

So folks, have a happy reading to have a stunning personality!

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Originally published at on June 28, 2018.



GeekyAlien Editor
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