Developer Update Sep-October

Get your mid-month Geeq Developer update here 🤓

3 min readOct 15, 2019


In the coming months, there are going to be plenty of new developments to discuss with you, our growing community. To ensure that you're kept up-to-date on our revolutionary blockchain ecosystem, we want to update you every month on any new development progress.

For this month's announcement, we are pleased to report that we have completed the first stage of the foundation build.

Basic Node Client

A major part of the foundation build has been the basic node client. The basic node client is the element of the Geeq distributed consensus network which:

  • Accepts user transactions on the blockchain.
  • Communicates these transactions across the network between hubs and nodes.
  • Validates the transactions according to the Geeq Proof-of-Honesty protocol.
  • Commits the validated transactions into blocks and adds them to the chain of existing records which is made up of other completed transactions (ledger).

The Docker Test-bed

This is quite a technical element, but to put it simply, this is where multiple instances of the node client (mentioned above 👆) are deployed in containers that run as independent validating nodes in the Geeqchain network. i.e. The docker test-bed is where the validators operate.

Logging Server

The logging server is the part of the blockchain that receives reports from each of the nodes. This allows the team to collect performance statistics such as transactions per second and resource utilization data like the bandwidth, computation and the storage requirements of the network.

What was learned during this period?

The team calls this the “foundation build” because this stage has allowed us to put in place the basic infrastructure elements that will support future builds.

The test-bed and logging server, for example, create a development environment that allows the team to optimize the code for the individual node clients, as well as the communications layer between them.

As we move forward, this foundation build allows us to test the platform in a few different scenarios. So we can work out how a Geeq network handles strenuous situations such as:

  • Having a large or small number of nodes.
  • Large fractions of dishonest or unresponsive nodes.
  • The presence of other types of adversaries attempting to subvert the network.
  • The effects of latency, partitioning, and message loss.

We also spent a considerable amount of time optimizing the formal structure of account records, transactions, messages, block, and other data elements in a ‘Protocol Buffer framework’.

(This is key to minimizing the resources a Geeq network needs to function and creating the provability that nodes are behaving honestly.)

We look forward to keeping you in the loop and up-to-date as often as our Geeqs can update us with milestones and progress.

Our new Geeq™ blog which we will be using for updates and articles can be found here:

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Public blockchain infrastructure-as-a-service secured by our Proof of Honesty protocol (PoH), ensuring your most valuable data is the safest it can be.