Geeq™ hosts its first AMA in partnership with Qudem

3 min readSep 27, 2019


On Tuesday 24th September Geeq™ was proud to host its first AMA on the Qudem platform.

We were humbled and amazed to have so many people attend the event, in fact we had 100 people and over 40 Questions!

This was well above our expectations.. THANK YOU!!!!

The interest in Geeq™ and its new unique approach to blockchain solutions was brilliant to see, and our Chief Economist & Founder John Conley thoroughly enjoyed answering the Questions (If it’s about Geeq™ he can go on for hrs we are told 😉)

We were lucky to be limited to answering 20 of the most up-voted questions by the attendees or it could have been a long night 🤣🤣🤣

There were questions regarding our partnership with Morpheus labs and how we will be working together to push forward adoption of Blockchain-as-a-Service to the wider business world.

John answered the following question from Stuey G

What discussions have you had with industry to evaluate the adoption of Geeq™ going forward and have you had any expressions of interest?”

There were 20 questions in total answered by John, the top 5 up-voted by the attendees will be awarded 1000 $Geeq and questions from 6–20 by up-votes will be rewarded 333 $Geeq each once the Qudem team go through questions and up-votes to check for any manipulation regarding the up-voting process. After that they will contact the lucky people who won some $Geeq!

We can’t thank you enough for all your support on this event, both Geeq & Qudem believe in the future of blockchain and together we can increase adoption by informing & educating people on this amazing technology.

The Questions & Answers can be found in the link below

We look forward to Hosting more AMA’s in the future so make sure to follow us to keep up to date with all the latest information on Geeq

Join us on our new Geeq™ blog which we will be using for updates and articles going forward!

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Public blockchain infrastructure-as-a-service secured by our Proof of Honesty protocol (PoH), ensuring your most valuable data is the safest it can be.