Mike Essig
Other Voices
Published in
1 min readJan 4, 2019
Ta-Da!!! — WordPress.com

About a day ago, I reached 12,000 Medium followers. That’s about the size of an army division. It certainly is a milestone, especially for a mere poet. I want to thank those who have followed me over the past three years.

But, nothing about Medium is ever simple or logical. Consider: with 12,000 followers, my poems generally receive about 100 views. The question is, where are those other 11,900 followers?

Over a year ago, there was a period when I, and many others, were getting up to 50 new followers per day. This went on for a while, quickly ran up huge numbers, and then ceased. I feel sure that this was some sort of manipulation by Medium to make it seem larger and denser quickly. I don’t know the how, bots have been suggested, but it’s easier to imagine the why. At some point, Medium will be sold or go public. No doubt its size will be a factor in its valuation.

So, I am more than a little doubtful about my 12,000. Still, to those of you who are flesh and blood, thank you for reading and please stop by again soon. mce



Mike Essig
Other Voices

Honorary Schizophrenic. Recent refugee. Displaced person. Old white male. Confidant of cassowaries.