57 Chevy

White Feather
Other Voices
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2017

A short trip into childhood….

I lucked out that I got a window seat in the back of the car. Being one of four kids in the backseat of a ’57 Chevy for three and a half hours, I would have died had I not been able to sit by the window.

My attention was focused outside the car; on the night sky, the stars, the black landscape shooting past, the barely discernible undulation of arroyo and mesa. It was like watching a dream floating by. The reflections on the car window further played on the dream-like effect. It was like daydreaming at night.

Soon, I was floating above the desert; above the car. I could see the headlights of my parent’s car down below me. I could feel the cold black night air flowing over me and it was wonderful. And then! Small white lights began popping up on the horizon. They seemed to multiply.

A bump in the road slammed my face up against the car window and I came to full consciousness. Squinting, I saw those city lights in the distance and I became excited, for I knew we would soon be in a strange new city and that we would soon be stopping for a much-needed car break. I could not wait to get a whiff of that cool desert night air and I could not wait to see and feel a new place.

Copyright by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. This is a work of fiction.

