Set It Fudged Free

Kittie Phoenix
Other Voices
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2019
Image available on Pixabay

A burning book makes a light
Firing the imaginations of souls noble and bright
Words fly out into unknown night
Causing freedom waves both strong and right
Hungry for good reads then look no further
Than the censors’ rolls (roles?) stifling with fervor
Offense is no more than a whine
To be stifled with cheese and crackers over time
Finding faux devils in details so sublime
Sets the real Lucifer loose on free time
Hiding truth never hides from reality
Covering ideas never erases them from mind
Words and ideas can never be truly banned
But leaders fearing receiving them think they can
Writers can be caged but their pieces go on so long

But me? me?

The only bad idea is the one left unexplored
Agree to disagree and die for the privilege to do so
Silence is only a vote of no confidence in society
Censors fade, inquisitors vanish, tyrants topple
Burning books threaten burned lives
Obscenity is only defined by twisted society
Censorship only piques interest in the rejected
Stick pins in my soul as the road goes on
For subtly has banned XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX

PS — Please mutilate my not so brave and quite ignoble work. I fear society is too fudged to care, so let’s just fudge the government.

~~~Written while considering censorship, hidden curricula, and social rules, and quotes from The Quote Garden



Kittie Phoenix
Other Voices

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