A Republic, If You Can Keep It…

Mike Essig
Other Voices
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2021

Happy Independence Day!

Today we gather together to stuff ourselves and celebrate the birth of a once great country that is now rotting from within; a country where willful ignorance, naked greed and the lust for power are the only remaining dominant virtues and the only measure of success is money.

The Founders understood the dangers of ignorance, greed, power and money. They were human and they were flawed, but they were not ignorant. So they attempted to create a structure based on sharing and compromise to minimize the concentration of power into too few hands; they knew history and human nature were against them, but what they devised was brilliant and for most of 245 years their creation more or less worked.

Now it doesn’t. They would not recognize the festering shell their creation has become, filled with windy, militant trash where sharing and compromise have disappeared and both the left and right try to cram their values down the throats of their opponents with no thought that they could be wrong, or even possibly wrong, so civil discourse is unnecessary and impossible.

Whoever can shout the loudest wins. America has become a very loud place today.

Where this leads remains to be seen. So have another burger and don’t think. Bask in the willful ignorance of what was. Open another beer and pretend that you are not celebrating the birthday of a corpse.

Happy Independence Day!



Mike Essig
Other Voices

Honorary Schizophrenic. Recent refugee. Displaced person. Old white male. Confidant of cassowaries.