About That PayPal Widget…

Mike Essig
Other Voices
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2017

A week or so ago, I began adding the PayPal.Me widget below to my posts. It was a whim really. I didn’t give it much thought. Everybody seemed to be monetizing everything. Why not me?

But it has turned out to mean more than that.

People have been generous. I live close to the poverty line, so the money is appreciated and useful. But it is about more than the money.

Sometimes (often) as a poet, you feel as if you are pouring words into a vacuum. You wonder who, if anyone, notices and cares.

When someone sends me a dollar or five or ten or more, they are saying quite personally, I notice and I care. Poetry is what I do. They validate my work.

I know there are others who don’t donate who notice and care. I appreciate them as well.

But the donations are like a kick in the ass that says, good work, keep it up.

It appears that various publications are banning the widget. Perhaps more will. Perhaps Medium will. I hope not.

Money is a good thing to have, especially when you don’t.

But having someone validate your life’s work is invigorating.

You can’t put a price on that.

If you value my work, and can afford it, please consider occasionally sending me a buck or two at Paypal. No Paypal account is required. Even poets have to eat. :)



Mike Essig
Other Voices

Honorary Schizophrenic. Recent refugee. Displaced person. Old white male. Confidant of cassowaries.