Bring me down

Anna Rozwadowska
Other Voices
Published in
1 min readJan 22, 2019
Sarah Goodyear

Bring me down for the love of God,
the turbulence in my mind is not a high of the good kind,
melodic like a trumpet playing for the first time,
I cannot hear the silence that souls require
for the replenishment of soul matter.

Bring me up to the next level
golden attainment presence in it’s fullest
emotions like calm waters not their cousin,
not the turbulent waves fishermen searching for shores
signs of seagulls floating ahead,

there, there I am.

Take me asunder make me the middle ground
can this being not be stable, new concrete poured like
smooth road why curvy?
I am not meant for the curvy my vehicle is old
my battery, drained.

Take me down bring me up
downers and uppers will no longer do
freedom in stipulation will no longer do
I am a 9th soul make me be, so far ahead
that I command the seas that I can walk on water.

Take me in your hands
I am a mere rag doll swinging in winds of the prairies
I cannot seem to merge into the other side
of well-being,
not with this body, not with the mind.

Bring me down,
you know the level.



Anna Rozwadowska
Other Voices

Owner, Editor of Storymaker, Hallow Literary, Literally Literary. Top Writer in Poetry. Writer, photographer, psychic, medium, and spiritual guide. M.A., Ph.D.