Contradicting words and actions.

let’s see.

Sana Rajar
Other Voices
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2017


Some people are full of hypocrisy they speak something else and do something else.

Either they’re only doing those things to match their words, or they are only speaking those words to show something what their action doesn’t speak.

They don’t know it’s not so important to speak things if you are not doing them. They are living in a myth that only words will make them legends. Thus always make powerful statements about their personality. But, they have forgotten to convert them into actions.

I get so confused while meeting such people because their actions and words don’t match. There is something more going in their mind what we can’t listen.

They speak modest and kind words but its hard to believe them. Because there is something in between their words which I can listen to what they don’t speak. It makes a contradictory image of them to what they show by their words or actions..

We get mistaken by actions too because we don’t know if they are doing those things in front of us. Or they are so kind and genuine in our absence too. And what to say about words, it’s becoming difficult each day to believe human words.

My genuine request to all people.
If you believe something in real, please make sure you do it in real too.
Otherwise, it’ll be hard for people to believe you. And once you lose someone’s trust its hard getting back.

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