Even Breitbart.com readers agree that Mike Cernovich is a fucking moron (UPDATED!)

Jeffrey Field
Other Voices
Published in
10 min readAug 31, 2017



Cernovich interviewed Wednesday at Breitbart News…

Cernovich Sources: White House ‘Coup’ Underway, Trump ‘Under House Arrest’

“Good grief, it’s like Mike’s on a LSD trip.”

Readers’ comments below, edited for clarity… I did not delete any comments favorable to the moron… cause there weren’t any…

  • Why would anyone give this blow hard the time of day?
  • Come on, guys. This site deserves better than this tabloid crap.
  • Leon Phelps CuriousOnlooker8 hours ago
  • Cernovich is a total hack. He’s wrong 1,000 times for every time he gets something right because he makes up wild accusations with no basis in objective reality. For clicks.
  • Lee Stranahan was a big player in Bannon’s populist movement at Breitbart, and he can’t stand him, either.
  • michael Leon Phelps7 hours ago
  • Totally CORRECT….he is a CRY BABY….just two days ago when Gorka left this BLOWHARD Cernovich CRIED “Presidency is over I will see you in 2018” Okay Clown so now here he is “waiting until 2018” telling us his IMAGINARY SOURCES that Trump Under House Arrest….follow his twitter Cernovich is losing credibility every day and contradicts himself then lies then changes then lies again! He is just an EGO MANIAC that is mad Trump does not kiss his Rear!
  • Cheryl Johnny in Philly5 hours ago
  • I think Michael was talking about Cernovich being an ego maniac..not President Trump. But…YAY You!! for defending our beloved President:)
  • freewoman michael7 hours ago
  • his videos are total unprofessional crap to get people to hear him talk about himself. I don’t know why Alex Jones and Open mind gives him any platform.
  • Jeffersonian527 michael4 hours ago
  • Very true….if ive learned one thing about President Trump it is his refusal to fear saying aloud what every normal person is thinking! Along with that is also no fear to fight for what he believes in without a worry over corporate money, media backlash, politically correct non-sense ect…. Does anyone actually believe there is another public figure that would have had the tacks to call out slick willy on a nationally televised debate right in the former presidents face? Or the tacks to call out both left and right hate and violence when every other swamp creature took the low hanging fruit of popular attacking of White nationalist groups? I hardly believe gen. Kelley or anyone else has Trump on house arrest or restriction from his cell phone….give me a break! What is going to happen is these establishment elite are being given just enough chain to hang themselves with by the President….just enough to make them believe they are getting back the power the so utterly lost with the election so it gives the President a little less back stabbing from his own party, to pass some of the maga agenda….Trump is no fool and these swamp creatures will soon see again the peoples house from the fence bushes outside the white hous
  • Chartreux Leon Phelps7 hours ago
  • Yeah, several reasons Cernovich turned a lot of people off the past month. Example, Cernovich upset about McMaster and pushed the whole “McMaster Leaks” campaign. We can all agree that McMaster is bad, but there are several reasons he lost a lot of trust starting with this but not being honest with the whole thing. Especially the “muh anti-semitism!” whining from him which reminded me of people whining “Islamophobia!” for all kinds of ridiculous reasons. McMaster fired one of the main sources of Cernovich inside the white house that gave him scoops, which in return helped him get more notability and of course money.
    I don’t like McMaster either and think he’s a neo-con, but when Cernovich did the whole “McMaster is an anti-semite” and tweeted this several times because McMaster supposedly had a problem of this leaker friend of Mike (who’s name i forgot) going to Israel for a Bar Mitzvah. After this he lost the plot even more by virtue-signaling to people to the left of him by helping doxxing the mother of a certain WN who attended the Charlottesville thing. That doxx was then promoted and sent to several leftwing people by Laura Loomer. Her tweets with it are still up.
    One thing most people hate, especially we over here in certain countries are people who call everything anti-semitic and make up stuff to support their claim. Cernovich sounded exactly like Islam-apologists who call everything islamophobia. He lost a lot of credibility the last month by being a hypocrite and retweeting Laura Loomer doxxing someone (which he deleted but was on his page long enough).
  • OkItsJustaTypo Chartreux5 hours ago
  • The most ridiculous thing I’ve heard Cerno say in a video was [immediately after the most recent staff departures] Trump’s new opportunity to get things back on track w/ fresh staff hires starting w/ CERNOVICH as the new WH Communications Director.
  • Good grief, it’s like Mike’s on a LSD trip.
  • Americana Sharon Barnes7 hours ago
  • What’s “going on” is that Chief of Staff Kelly has to get Trump to FOCUS on the job rather than on his POPULARITY RATINGS. That’s IT. That’s the COUP. And truth be told, it will be a coup if Chief of Staff Kelly is able to get Trump to that point of functioning without resorting to self-justification tweeting every half hour!
  • Molly1776Pitcher Americana6 hours ago
  • Screw Kelly. The ONLY honest media in America are DJTs tweets.
    And look, clown brain, DJT could care freakin less about popularity a d you ‘anti-Americana’, go crawl back in your mother’s basement and don’t come back out until Michael Moore asks you to marry him.
  • masher Molly1776Pitcher5 hours ago
  • I have to agree with Americana on this. Trump is eminently concerned about his popularity. He tweeted about how Schwartznegger wasn’t as popular as he was on the Apprentice, and he was always tweeting about his popularity in the polls, and he was tweeting about the crowd sizes at inauguration.
  • What is true is that he doesn’t usually blow with the wind based on weather or not he is popular. He just gets mad at the enemy (the media) and keeps plowing forward.
  • onthehill Molly1776Pitcher11 minutes ago
  • His tweets, are defensive, bullying, self justifying, narcissistic nonsense. Stop tweeting, playing golf and meeting up with the base at rallies and do some frigging work.

There are more comments if you load them up. But…

…Why bother?

Previously… I don’t usually rag on someone, but this guy is a lying piece of shit.

This just in from Wonkette…


Yes, we have even more opinions about Mike…

Mike Cernovich, who thinks John Kelly is doing a “coup” and a “house arrest” to the president of the United States, also thinks this one guy who bumped into him was an actual demon

“But my life is in danger, my life is in jeo… You can go look at that guy, and if you look at him, you can tell that he had a vacancy in his eyes, he had a very much a serial killer, very creepy, creepy vibe. And just being around him I felt like an evil, demonic kind of presence. And I looked him in the eye and I could tell this was not a human being. This was some kind of, I don’t know, a replicant, a demon, or something. And that just goes to show how dangerous it is for everybody who is actually doing real journalism.”

IgnusFatuus2 hours ago

I gotta say this story has left me wondering: Is Cernovich an idiot? Is he just dissociated? Are there more like him or is he alone? Should we worry about what this line of paranoid conspiracy theory will wrought among the weak and stupid? I just don’t know. I just don’t know any more.

Viktor8 hours ago

Mike Cernovich has broken a promise. In April he said if Bannon is ousted from the White house …
“If they get rid of Bannon, you know what’s gonna happen? The motherlode. If Bannon is removed, there are gonna be divorces, because I know about the mistresses, the sugar babies, the drugs, the pill popping, the orgies. I know everything,” said Cernovich.
“If they go after Bannon, the mother of all stories is gonna drop, and we’re just gonna destroy marriages, relationships — it’s gonna get personal.”

Well Mike?

Tokays_don’t_blink9 hours ago

It’s precious that Cernovich thinks he is doing real journalism.

DQKennard9 hours ago

I picture an exchange like this:

Cernovich: “I’m here to see President Trump.”
Kelly, passing by in the hall: “WTF is he doing here?? Get that fuckhead out of the White House!”
Cernovich, typing furiously: “Trump is under house arrest, held captive by Kelly.”

NotALiar10 hours ago

Lol remember when we were all like “can you imagine if Dickhead actually wins?!?! He will fill the Whitehouse with fucking Breitbart people lololollolol.”

Ilgattomorte10 hours ago

Cernovich is right! I know because this has happened to me. The other day I came across a guy, and you could tell by his face that he was a demon. He had bushy eyebrows and a big cartoon nose. He was wearing fake glasses and his eyes looked all demon-y. Then there was the fake mustache under the nose. I looked at this guy and I thought, “This guy wants to kill me”.

Granted, he was twelve, maybe thirteen years old, but he was an “old” thirteen. And, he looked dangerous. Let’s face it. What kind of person wears fake glasses, unless they want to kill you. So, I took the initiative. I yelled “MAGA”, kicked him in the balls and ran away.

His mother looked kind of upset, but I chalk that up to demon possession. You can’t be too careful these days.

Upright Ape14 hours ago

Fuck yeah….I thought I was the only one who saw demons in the White House. Maybe I ain’t so fuckin’ crazy after all.

SayItWithWookies14 hours ago

Mike Cernovich’s life is in danger because someone gave him the stink-eye? What. A. Fucking. Sissy.

Naked Bunny with a Whip14 hours ago

There’s a person at the desk who prevents me from seeing my dentist if I don’t have an appointment. Should I tell the police he’s being held against his will?

Why Do All These Demons Keep Attacking Mike Cernovich???



Jeffrey Field
Other Voices

It ain't what you think. Former newsman, car salesman, teacher. Everything is Thou, if you so allow it. You can find some of it at https://youtu.be/w6RtVjMDHzE