FBI Bullshit Approaches Redline

Sunspot Observatory Closure- the janitor did it

Jeffrey Field
Other Voices
2 min readSep 21, 2018


read Reuters’s article on this. Story is complete bullshit. We’re expected to believe that the FBI was called in and evacuated the observatory and post office for 11 days, while refusing to give any explanation for their actions to local law enforcement other than “for safety”, all just to catch a janitor who allegedly was using the observatory’s WiFi to download and distribute child pornography? You’d be stupid to believe this garbage, and even more so to defend it.

In this case going with Occams Razor, the simplest explanation/timeline of what happened would be this:

thinking about its location and seeing the line of sight views from the place in person multiple times, the best conclusion I’ve come up with so far is espionage.

CP on the observatory WiFi… Best way of staying discreet about it.. This is bullshit.

, basically this official story is a coverup and everyone is back to square one in wondering wtf is going on up there — OR — this was indeed a CP thing that was somehow incredibly botched and they won’t give the full story because it will show some kind of incompetence. A warrant was issued and presumably used, so given that charges were never filed and the dude is roaming free, can we assume he’s innocent?


More observations at Reddit.com here and here.

This is the most informative news article I’ve yet to read. Whether it is truth or fiction is up to you. Me? I smell fish.

Here’s some funny shit from Reddit regarding the child porn story.




Jeffrey Field
Other Voices

It ain't what you think. Former newsman, car salesman, teacher. Everything is Thou, if you so allow it. You can find some of it at https://youtu.be/w6RtVjMDHzE